Die unangenehmen Parallelen zwischen den Verurteilungen von Hunter Biden und Donald Trump

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Donald Trump and Joe Biden may not have much in common. However, when it comes to their ties to high-profile prosecutions, they have expressed similar sentiments – despite opposition from critics and some within their own parties.

In his announcement of a pardon for Hunter Biden on Sunday night, Joe Biden denounced what he perceived as an unjust prosecution of his son.

“No rational person examining the facts of Hunter’s cases could come to any other conclusion than Hunter was targeted solely because he is my son – and that is unjust,” Biden stated.

The president’s criticisms of a politicized justice system echoed those frequently voiced by Trump – notably in the New York City case involving hush-money payments to adult film star Stormy Daniels. This indictment ultimately led to the former president’s conviction on multiple felony counts of falsifying business records to conceal campaign finance violations.

“The situation in New York is outrageous,” Republican Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, a close ally of Trump, commented on the former president’s hush-money trial. “I believe it is selective prosecution for political motives.”

What similarities exist between the cases?

The Hunter Biden cases and Trump hush-money case share significant similarities that have sparked criticism of the legal process.

Both cases went to court in 2024, years after the incidents in question. Trump’s payments to Daniels occurred in 2016, while Hunter Biden’s fraudulent tax returns spanned from 2016 to 2019.

Both cases took unexpected turns after appearing to be headed towards resolution. It seemed the New York Trump investigation would be closed when Alvin Bragg succeeded Cyrus Vance as Manhattan attorney. A plea deal for Hunter Biden fell through at the last minute due to questions from the presiding judge.

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Both cases involved the application of existing laws in novel or unusual circumstances.

Trump’s legal team explicitly linked the two cases in a legal filing that referenced Hunter Biden’s pardon as grounds to dismiss Trump’s New York conviction.

“This case should never have been brought,” they concluded.

Watch: Americans divided over Biden’s pardon of son Hunter

What are the differences?

There are notable differences between the two cases. Hunter Biden never held public office, and the New York hush-money case was just one of several prosecutions of the former president.

Despite these differences, both Trump and the Bidens raised similar concerns about political influence in their cases, while Democrats argued the Trump trial was fair, and Republicans viewed the Hunter gun trial and tax evasion plea as just.

According to Kevin McMunigal, a law professor, claims that politics impact prosecutorial decisions are largely inaccurate, though the complexity behind charging criminal offenses may not be widely understood.

This lack of understanding could contribute to perceptions of a double standard in the justice system, particularly in high-profile cases involving government officials or their families.

What could Biden’s pardon mean for Trump?

Both Trump and Hunter Biden were convicted of their crimes, but due to the pardon, Hunter Biden will not face consequences. It seems likely that Trump’s position as a former president may protect him from further consequences related to his conviction.

Public perception of a double standard for the wealthy and powerful may not be unfounded, as American faith in the criminal justice system is eroding.

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Claims of selective prosecution may be overshadowed by broader issues at play, according to John Geer, a political science professor at Vanderbilt University.

“Justice has never been blind,” he said. Getty Bilder „Es gab Zeiten, in denen es ausgeglichener war als andere, jedoch.“ Jüngste Entwicklungen, sagt er, spiegeln ein wachsendes öffentliches Misstrauen in politische Institutionen insgesamt wider – einschließlich des Kongresses, der Präsidentschaft und des Obersten Gerichtshofs. Trump hat dieses Misstrauen in Institutionen genutzt, indem er gegen den Regierungs-„Sumpf“ wettert und umfassende Reformen verspricht, von denen seine Anhänger glauben, dass etabliertere Politiker sie nicht liefern können oder wollen. Wenn man den Kontext betrachtet, sind Trumps fortlaufende Beschwerden über politische Verfolgungen und Bidens jüngste Annahme ähnlicher Behauptungen ein Spiegelbild einer größeren Krise des amerikanischen Vertrauens in die Regierung – eine, die beide Politiker ausnutzen, wenn die Umstände sie in unangenehmes rechtliches Gelände bringen. Bidens Verwendung von Trumpscher Rhetorik, um seine Ausübung der präsidentiellen Macht zum Schutz seines Sohnes zu erklären, könnte dem künftigen Präsidenten nur helfen, mehr Unterstützung zu finden, um mit der Abrissbirne auf die Institutionen zu schwingen, die Biden lange gedient hat und zu schützen versprochen hat.