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Neu formulierte Überschrift auf Deutsch: Graham Gouldman von 10cc: „Jeder Westindische Person, mit der ich gesprochen habe, liebt Dreadlock Holiday – aber ich würde bestimmte Zeilen jetzt nicht schreiben.“ | 10cc

Should 10cc receive more recognition for their innovative music in the 70s? In my opinion, they were on par with Sparks and Roxy Music, and even ahead of Queen. Flashbleu
I agree, but Queen had the distinct guitar of Brian May and the vocals of Freddie Mercury. In contrast, 10cc had three No 1 hits with three different singers – Rubber Bullets, I’m Not in Love, and Dreadlock Holiday. While Queen continues to perform with Adam Lambert, I am touring our catalog, showing that both bands have stood the test of time. Ultimately, the songs are the true stars of the show.

How did you manage to write hits for the Yardbirds as a teenager? Deckard85
Music has been my passion since I was 11, drawing inspiration from various artists like Buddy Holly, the Beatles, and more. My dad, who was a writer himself, helped me refine my lyrics. Songs often blend fantasy with real experiences, like my song „I’m Lazy“ from my solo album last year, which I rediscovered and realized reflected a past bout with depression.

Can you reveal the true story behind the name 10cc? 01mogsy
Initially, we gave a long explanation for our name, but eventually settled on the idea that it was 1cc more than the average male ejaculation. Whether it’s a fact or not, that’s the story we’ve stuck with.

What’s your favorite memory from recording at Strawberry Studios? theSpacedog
One standout moment was when we recorded „Donna,“ which was meant to be a B-side but ended up becoming a hit. We always did what we liked without following trends, and the success of „Donna“ validated our approach.

Did you realize the brilliance of „I’m Not in Love“ when you created it? hhhhssss
While recording, we knew the song was special. We didn’t think about its commercial potential, but the process of building up vocal parts and tape loops was a joy.

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How did the collaboration with Ramones on „Pleasant Dreams“ come about?

What was your brief for the project, how did you perceive the dynamics of the band, and who was your favorite Ramone? Mhannington

When their manager approached me to work with them, my initial reaction was, „Why me?“ I believe they were drawn to the songs I had written, such as Bus Stop for the Hollies and For Your Love, as well as our association with British Invasion bands. Although I later learned that there were tensions within the band during the album production, I didn’t notice any of that while I was working with them. Contrary to my expectations, the process was smooth and organized. We recorded the backing tracks in New York and then brought Joey to Stockport for the vocals. Joey was definitely my favorite – he had a great sense of humor, charm, and dedication to his craft. He would often ask for another take, showing his conscientiousness. Despite the band’s dislike for the album, particularly Johnny’s strong aversion to it, we had a good working relationship. I am proud to have contributed to the album and consider myself a honorary member of the Ramones.

How do you respond to criticisms that Dreadlock Holiday perpetuated negative stereotypes? 11LFO11

The intention behind Dreadlock Holiday was to satirize a white person trying to adopt West Indian coolness. Some parts of the song were inspired by real experiences, while others were purely fictional. Although the song was a huge success and well-received at the time, I acknowledge that certain lyrics, such as „I saw four faces, one mad, a brother from the gutter,“ may not be appropriate by today’s standards.

Do you have an appreciation for reggae music? Dogbertd

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I have always loved reggae music. Desmond Dekker was one of my favorites, and I used to listen to a lot of reggae back in the day.

I attended the Wax concert at Wembley Arena in 1989, and I must say, your songwriting partnership with Andrew Gold was truly magical. What are your fondest memories of working with him, and do you miss him? Arranperson

I deeply miss Andrew Gold. He was a multi-talented musician and a joy to work with. Our partnership was one of the happiest in both my musical and personal life. We discussed collaborating again shortly before his passing in 2011. I believe the music we created as Wax is some of the best work I’ve done.

How did you approach creating the tracks for the Animalympics soundtrack? Are you a fan of the film? Silas_Hamenegger

I thoroughly enjoyed working on the Animalympics soundtrack, and I believe the film didn’t receive the recognition it deserved. I was provided with a storyboard and specific instructions on where songs were needed. The director would give me references to artists like the Beach Boys or the Who to guide me in creating the songs. It was a delightful experience working on the album.

What are your recollections of performing at the Knebworth festival in 1976? MissIdahoPotato

The Knebworth festival in 1976 was a chaotic but memorable experience. I recall various rumors surrounding the event, including one about the Rolling Stones wanting to perform in complete darkness for a greater visual impact. The delay in performances and unexpected incidents made it a frustrating yet incredible event. The sight of the massive crowd stretching to the horizon during our performance with 10cc is a memory I will never forget.

Regarding J Dilla sampling 10cc’s The Worst Band in the World on his Donuts album, what are your thoughts, despite any copyright issues? FergalKinney

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I don’t mind artists sampling our music as long as we receive royalties for it. It’s a great way for new audiences to discover our work and appreciate the original band.

What led to the split that resulted in Kevin Godley and Lol Creme leaving, while you and Eric Stewart continued as 10cc? AD2023

Kevin and I have discussed the reasons behind the split. In hindsight, we should have allowed them to pursue their project and reunite later. The initial cause of the split was their focus on experimenting with „the gizmo“ attachment for the guitar, which led to creative differences. The tensions had been building up, and they were tired of the repetitive cycle of music production and touring. Eric and I, on the other hand, enjoyed the process. After their departure, Eric and I continued for a while before seeking collaboration with Andrew Gold. While the split led to the formation of Godley and Creme, as well as their successful career as video directors, I believe 10cc would have achieved even greater success had we remained together. Bands like the Stones, U2, and Coldplay demonstrate that strong organization and commitment can lead to lasting success. Wir haben viele Angebote erhalten, um uns zu reformieren, aber ich glaube, es würde Probleme geben.

Wenn wir alle zusammen für Ihre Reise und Unterkunft zusammenlegen würden, würden die vier von Ihnen sich ein Jahr lang vereinen, um Coldplay beim Glastonbury zu ersetzen? maiki
Ich mag Coldplay! Sie haben einige großartige Platten gemacht. Ähm … nein.

Graham Gouldmans karriereumspannende Heart Full of Songs Tour beginnt am 5. März in Lytham St Annes. I Have Notes ist jetzt auf Lojinx erhältlich. Eine 50. Jubiläums-7in-Single-Version von 10cc’s I’m Not in Love erscheint am 14. Februar bei Universal Music