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The Science and Industry Museum in Manchester has launched a year-long interactive exhibition based on the popular BBC show Operation Ouch! The exhibition is designed to make science fun, engaging, and a little gross for young minds. Kit Studio worked on the 2D elements of the exhibition, creating a visual identity that balances fun and scientific credibility.

The exhibition, titled Operation Ouch! Brains, Bogies and You, is a playful exploration of the senses and how the brain works. Kit Studio collaborated with Drinkall Dean on the project, with a focus on capturing the show’s mix of education and entertainment. The exhibition features color-coded rooms representing different senses, with consistency in design elements to create an immersive experience.

One of the unique design elements of the exhibition is the use of perspective and illusion, creating an interactive and engaging environment for visitors. The exhibition aims to engage both children and adults, striking a balance between fun and scientific accuracy. Accessibility was also a key consideration in the design, ensuring that graphics and interactive elements were easily accessible to visitors of all ages.

Interactivity plays a significant role in the exhibition, encouraging visitors to explore and discover new things. From ‚Secret Senses‘ panels to optical illusions created by magicians, the exhibition is designed to keep visitors moving and engaged. Lighting design by DHA lighting helps to guide visitors through the space and connect different areas of the exhibition back to Brain HQ.

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