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HGTV Fans äußern sich zu den 7 nervigsten Renovierungstrends – Best Life

One thing that really bothers me about HGTV shows like House Hunters is when the potential homebuyers complain about the paint color in a room as if they can’t just repaint it! But when it comes to the network’s many home renovation shows, viewers have even more complaints that they’re discussing in a new Reddit thread. Some say certain kitchen choices are a „maintenance nightmare“ while an open floor plan feels like „living in an airplane hangar.“ Keep reading for the top seven most annoying trends.

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1. Open kitchen shelving


Open shelving in the kitchen is a place to display cookbooks, fancy glassware, decorative plates, and more. However, HGTV fans find it completely impractical.

„Open shelving in the kitchen (dust? Clutter?)“ wrote one Redditor. Another agreed, „I have stuff stacked on top of my kitchen cabinets, and when I take it down, it’s covered in greasy dust.“

2. Kitchen island sinks and stoves


Many Reddit commenters don’t like kitchen islands in general, but even those who don’t mind them take issue when they include a sink or a stove.

„Sinks in the island drive me crazy. The sink should be under a window,“ one HGTV fan asserted.

„What sink doesn’t have soaps, sponges, scrubbers, wet or dirty dishes around it? Who wants dishwater splashing on your pancakes while you’re eating at your breakfast bar?“ exclaimed another.

One commenter added, „I hate stoves in islands. Stoves get hot, and a lot of the time there is steam or sauce that can splash out. Cooking is messy. I just find it so impractical.“

„There is a reason backsplashes exist,“ someone else agreed.

The creator of the Reddit thread made a good point: „The massive cooktop on the island doesn’t have any ventilation, no hood in sight. (Downdraft systems look nice but only pretend to work.).“

RELATED: HGTV Viewers Blast „Absolutely Disgusting“ Behavior on „House Hunters.“

3. Banquettes built into islands


HGTV viewers also strongly dislike „the newish trend of a banquette built into the back of the island, so that those seated are facing away from the kitchen.“

Someone else commented that if said island has a sink, those sitting at the banquette could very well get splashed.

For the same reasons, Redditors also take issue with the „attached lower ‚table island‘ thing.“ One person said, „I hate the lower table island, and the two-tier islands are so awful.“

4. Porous kitchen counter and backsplash materials


If you’re going to cook in your kitchen (which we assume you are!), you’re going to accumulate a decent amount of grease and grime that needs to be wiped down. That’s why HGTV fans take issue with some of the porous materials being used on counters and backsplashes.

„Lately I’ve been seeing a lot of porous surfaces as backsplashes, mostly the stone type stuff, and it’s terrible. Anyone who would even consider putting that in a kitchen or thinks it’s okay obviously never cooks or cleans,“ wrote one person.

„These people must never bake. Rolling out dough and kneading flour on anything but a smooth slick surface is a nightmare,“ someone responded.

A third person agreed their pet peeve is „backsplashes made from stone that isn’t easily wiped down (limestone, brick, etc.), especially behind the range.“

„Stone backsplash… imagine spaghetti sauce splashing just once. It would never get clean,“ another person chimed in.

„Butcher block counters can be pretty, but a maintenance nightmare,“ said a Redditor in reference to another popular material used on HGTV shows.

5. Open-concept showers


The hotel trend of open-concept showers (those without walls/doors) is not sitting right with these HGTV fans.

„Water splashes all over the floor! The room is cold! Why?!“ complained one Redditor.

„Yes. It had never occurred to me how impractical they are until we stayed in an Airbnb on a trip that had one,“ someone else agreed. Es war schrecklich! Ich fror! Und egal wie sehr ich versuchte, das Wasser heißer zu machen, half es nicht.“

VERWANDT: HGTV Fans reagieren auf Tarek und Christinas neue Show: „Das Echteste, was ich gesehen habe.“

6. Komplett offene Grundrisse


Ein offener Grundriss ist definitiv eine dieser Liebes-oder-Hass-Heimfunktionen, aber für HGTV-Fans scheinen sie im letzteren Lager zu sein.

„Dieser offene Grundriss sieht großartig und geräumig aus, aber es gibt etwas Besonderes daran, dedizierte getrennte Abschnitte für verschiedene Räume zu haben, anstatt Küche, Esszimmer, Wohnzimmer alles in einem ‚Raum‘ zu haben,“ teilte ein Reddit-Nutzer mit.

„Ein komplett offenes Konzept ist nicht für die meisten Menschen eine angenehme Umgebung. Es ist viel besser (und interessanter), ein Zuhause mit Struktur und Leben zu haben,“ stimmte ein anderer zu.

Noch ein anderer Kommentator nahm eine noch ernstere Haltung ein: „Haben Sie eine Wohnküche, wenn Sie beim Kochen reden möchten. Der Koch sollte sich auf seine (manchmal gefährliche) Aufgabe konzentrieren.“

Zu guter Letzt bemerkte jemand: „Man könnte genauso gut in einem Flugzeughangar wohnen.“

7. Graue „Holz“ -Fußböden


LVP (Luxus-Vinyl-Planken) ist viel billiger als echte Holzböden, aber HGTV-Fans denken immer noch, dass es ein großer Fauxpas ist.

„Während niemand 5 verschiedene Bodenbelagsoptionen in einem Raum haben möchte, geben Sie mir bitte eine geflieste Küche und ein gefliestes Bad. Genug mit dem LVP überall! Harthölzer und Fliesen fürs Leben!“ rief ein Reddit-Nutzer aus.

Ein paar andere nannten speziell die grauen „Holz“ -LVP-Böden, die sie häufig in Renovierungsshows sehen.

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