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Earthling Studio has crafted the brand positioning and developed the visual and verbal identity for Cuddle Sleep Health, a new player in the sleep supplement market that combines credibility and scientific rigor with an upscale lifestyle aesthetic.

The conversation around sleep health has grown in recent years, leading to a surge in products in the sleep supplement sector. From trendy teas to fruity gummies promising a peaceful night’s sleep, the choices are abundant. However, Cuddle Sleep Health’s founders, Hugh Thomas and Poppy Jamie, were unsatisfied with the lack of natural and effective sleep solutions available and set out to fill that void. Teaming up with Dr. Russell Foster, a renowned sleep scientist from Oxford University, the team spent two years formulating a science-backed, innovative formula composed of 11 natural ingredients, presented as a cinnamon and cocoa beverage.

The design team at Earthling believed in the founders‘ mission of promoting better sleep health for all through science and saw an opportunity to establish a trustworthy brand in a crowded market. The studio’s managing partner, Tom Bruce, emphasized the importance of sleep in restoring and revitalizing the body and mind, underscoring the brand’s commitment to scientific research and understanding.

Research into the benefits of sleep revealed its critical role in various bodily functions, prompting the brand idea of „Drift into Remarkable Sleep,“ encapsulating the brand’s calming yet inquisitive and science-driven ethos. To differentiate Cuddle Sleep Health in the market, Earthling compared it to top brands in similar categories, drawing insights from various sectors to inform the brand strategy.

Bruce noted that existing brands in the space lacked authority and credibility, often characterized by soft colors and a passive approach.

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