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Katherine Waterston discussed the uncertain future of the Harry Potter prequel series Fantastic Beasts in an interview with NME, suggesting that the last two films may never come to fruition. She expressed doubt, stating, “I think that ship has sailed.”

Waterston portrayed Tina Goldstein in the Fantastic Beasts films, a brave witch with a close bond to Eddie Redmayne’s Newt Scamander. Originally planned as a five-film series, speculations arose about the cancellation of the final two installments following the lukewarm reception and disappointing box office performance of 2022’s The Secrets Of Dumbledore.

While Jude Law expressed hope for a fourth film, Eddie Redmayne seemed less optimistic, indicating that he believed the series had concluded. Waterston also shared her uncertainty, mentioning that she felt the last two films were unlikely to be made based on her intuition. She acknowledged the unpredictability of the industry and the lack of communication with performers regarding such decisions.

In light of J.K. Rowling’s controversial comments on transgender issues in 2020, Waterston publicly supported transgender rights, sharing articles that aligned with her beliefs. Despite potential backlash, she stood by her convictions, emphasizing the importance of advocating for human rights.

Waterston remains focused on her upcoming projects, including Fackham Hall and a role in the fourth Fear Street film, while ruling out a return to the Wizarding World through a Harry Potter remake. She also discussed her role in the spy thriller The Agency, praising its authentic portrayal of espionage and her character Naomi’s complexity.

For more insights from Katherine Waterston, read the full interview below, where she delves into her character in The Agency, her inspirations for the role, and her approach to portraying a CIA operative.

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Wir werden nie zu Naomi schneiden, die in Panik gerät, weil sie die Situation nicht bewältigen kann.“