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Titel neu formulieren und ins Deutsche übersetzen: Sex Pistols‘ Glen Matlock über die Bitte, Bass für „langweilige“ Oasis zu spielen und warum er Johnny Rottens Texte nie „aufrichtig“ fand

Glen Matlock, the former bassist of the Sex Pistols, recently spoke with NME about being invited to join Oasis, the future of the punk icons with Frank Carter, and his opinions on John Lydon’s lyrics and pro-Trump stance.

Matlock is currently touring the UK to promote his 2023 solo album ‚Consequences Coming.‘ In his interview with NME, the 68-year-old discussed his involvement in Blondie’s new album and reflected on the Sex Pistols‘ recent UK reunion tour, featuring original members Steve Jones and Paul Cook, along with guest vocalist Frank Carter replacing the estranged Lydon.

Matlock also shared his annoyance at the ongoing idolization of Sid Vicious, who replaced him in the Sex Pistols, and his dissatisfaction with Danny Boyle’s Pistol TV biopic based on Jones‘ memoir.

During the interview, Matlock expressed his desire to be known for more than just his punk rock background and discussed the eclectic music styles featured in ‚Consequences Coming.‘ He also shared his thoughts on Donald Trump’s return to power and John Lydon’s pro-Trump stance.

Matlock’s bass parts on the upcoming Blondie album were described as heavy and atonal, with a modern twist from the younger band members. He praised Frank Carter’s contribution to the Sex Pistols shows and hinted at the possibility of new music with the band in the future.

Despite reported criticism from John Lydon, Matlock stands by the success of the shows with Frank Carter and remains focused on his own musical endeavors. He acknowledged the differences between himself and Lydon and expressed openness to future collaborations with the Sex Pistols.

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„I don’t feel the need to just show up and be Glen Matlock from the Sex Pistols because I’ve been focusing on my club-level projects like the Pistols. Marky Ramone, who I respect, plays all the Ramones songs and I find that a bit unoriginal.“ Geben Sie uns eine Pause, komm vorbei, schau es dir an. Es ist eine tolle Live-Show. Jeder geht nach Hause und summt. Wir sind gut!“

Die Tour von der Glen Matlock Ban kommt heute Abend ins Stereo in Glasgow (Sonntag, 24. November), bevor er am Dienstag, 27. November in Hill spielt. Docks Acacemy in Grimsby am Mittwoch, 27. November und am Samstag, 30. November in Londons Dingwalls.

Sex Pistols mit Frank Carter sollen nextes Jahr beim Download Festival auftreten, sowie bei den Glasgow Summer Sessions am Samstag, 21. Juni und Dreamland Margate am Samstag, 23. August. Besuchen Sie hier für Tickets und weitere Informationen.