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Six Cinquième, a design consultancy based in Montreal, has created a strong foundation for The National Black Canadians Summit identity, allowing for flexibility for new artists to contribute each year. The summit, now in its fourth year, is organized by The Michaëlle Jean Foundation and presented by TD Bank Group. It aims to unite black Canadians from different sectors and backgrounds to create opportunities for justice, development, and recognition.

With the summit coming to Montreal in 2025, Six Cinquième aimed to engage English and French-speaking black Canadians across generations with interests in various industries. The consultancy worked closely with the summit’s team to ensure the visual elements of the brand were intentional and inclusive, avoiding any stereotypes.

The new identity is designed to evolve and showcase the work of different artists each year, with abstract shapes inspired by the summit’s acronym. Six Cinquième collaborated with Montreal-based artist Franco Egalité to bring the brand identity to life, representing the summit as a pathway to justice and recognition for black Canadians.

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