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Neuformulierung des Titels und Übersetzung ins Deutsche: 5 kurze Geh-Workouts zur Gewichtsabnahme – Bestes Leben

Making time for exercise can be challenging with all the other tasks we have on our to-do lists. However, experts say that short walking workouts can be highly effective for weight loss and fitness goals, even when time is limited.

„Regular walks can speed up your metabolism and engage different muscle groups, especially with inclines. Short walks can add up and help you stay consistent,“ says Josh York, CPT, founder of GYMGUYZ. „Walking can clear your mind, reduce stress, and improve productivity. Any movement is beneficial.“

If you’re looking for quick and effective walking workouts for weight loss, here are five options to consider.

RELATED: Why Walking Only 3,867 Steps a Day Is All You Need, Science Says.

1 | 15-minute incline walk


To maximize weight-loss results, experts recommend adding incline walking to your routine.

„Incline walking increases calorie burn and engages your glutes, hamstrings, and core muscles more than walking on flat terrain,“ says Thomas Pontinen, MD.

Incline walking provides the intensity of a run without the impact on your joints. Try a 15-minute incline interval workout for optimal results.

2 | 10-minute interval walk


Introducing intervals into your walking routine can challenge your cardio threshold and improve cardiovascular health. Short intervals of jogging can also be beneficial for weight loss.

Consider a 10-minute interval walk, alternating between fast and moderate paces, to maximize results.

3 | 30-minute walking/strength circuit variation


Combine walking with strength exercises like squats and lunges to add variety and effectiveness to your workout routine. Stop every 15 minutes to do a set of bodyweight squats and lunges to enhance your walking workout.

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