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Titel neu formuliert und ins Deutsche übersetzt: 6 Fehler in Ihrer Hautpflegeroutine, die Sie stoppen müssen — Bestes Leben

Are you jeopardizing the look, feel, and health of your complexion with your skincare routine? It’s easy to get caught up in following a popular routine or using trendy products, but what works for someone else may not be right for your skin type. Here are 7 mistakes in your skincare routine that experts recommend you stop immediately.

RELATED: 30 Best Ways to Have Your Best Skin.

1. Neglecting Skin Below the Neck


Remember to take care of the skin below your neck, especially the delicate chest/decolletage area. Dr. Mona Gohara from Dermatology Physicians of Connecticut advises treating your body as well as you do your face. Don’t ignore the rest of your skin, even if it’s not as visible. Give the same level of care to your body as you do to your face, including exfoliating and using gentle cleansers and moisturizers.

2. Over-Cleansing Skin


Be cautious not to over-cleanse your skin and risk irritation. Dr. Sherwin Parikh, a board-certified dermatologist, emphasizes the importance of cleansing while maintaining a healthy skin barrier. Using harsh products or hot water can compromise your skin’s natural protective barrier, so it’s essential to cleanse without causing irritation.

3. DIY Skincare


Be careful with natural ingredients in DIY skincare. Dr. Gohara warns that while some natural ingredients can be beneficial, others can harm your skin. Ingredients like lemon juice and turmeric can cause burns or staining, so it’s important to be mindful of what you’re putting on your skin.

4. Overdoing It With Exfoliation


Excessive exfoliation can damage your skin. Dr. Ava Shamban, a board-certified dermatologist, advises being cautious with retinoids, peels, and other exfoliants to avoid irritating your skin and disrupting the skin barrier.

RELATED: 10 Daily Habits That Keep Your Skin Young.

5. Popping Your Own Pimples


Avoid popping your own pimples to prevent scarring. Dr. Madhuri Agarwal warns that attempting to pop pimples can push the infection deeper into the skin, leading to more pimples and potential scarring.

6. Not Having a Holistic Approach To Skincare


Take a holistic approach to skincare. Dr. Gohara recommends treating your skin’s health as you would your overall health, focusing on lifestyle factors like diet, exercise, and sleep that can impact your skin’s appearance and health.

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