Der Ultimative Leitfaden zu den Schönheitstrends von 2025

Labeling something as „trendy“ may carry a negative connotation, but trends can also serve as meaningful reflections of our current time. They visually capture specific moments in our lives, signaling new beginnings, especially in the beauty industry. In anticipation of the upcoming year, we have consulted beauty experts to highlight the best and worst beauty trends of 2024 and provide insights into what to expect in 2025. Let’s embrace more beauty biotech and scalp skincare, moving away from lash extensions and DIY Botox.

The Best 2024 Beauty Trends:
– More Natural Makeup: Embracing individuality and glowing skin over a cookie-cutter appearance.
– Less Lashes: Moving towards a more natural and effortless look for healthy lashes.
– Scalp Care: Recognizing the importance of scalp health in our overall skincare routine.
– Biotech Skincare: Harnessing sustainable ingredients from nature in an effective and environmentally conscious way.
– „Anti-Aging“ Pushback: A shift towards healthier skincare habits and sun protection awareness.
– A Healthy Skin Barrier: Essential for skin protection and hydration.
– SPF Makeup: Incorporating sun protection in makeup products for improved skin health.
– Blush is Back: Embracing the return of blush for a happy, youthful look.
– Skin Minimalism: Prioritizing skincare education and personal skincare needs over following trends.
– Glass Skin: Maintaining the trend of a radiant and polished complexion.
– Headbands: A classic hair accessory that adds a touch of elegance.

The Worst 2024 Beauty Trends:
– DIY Skincare Craze: Cautioning against at-home skincare activities without proper knowledge.
– Salmon Sperm Facial: A questionable trend that raises eyebrows.
– Too Many Extensions: Avoiding unnatural and excessive use of hair extensions.
– Thin Eyebrows: Reflecting on past eyebrow trends that may have gone too far.
– Beef Talow as a Moisturizer: A trend that may not be suitable for everyone.
– Bleached Everything: Expressing dislike for the trend of bleached brows and hair.
– Hair Bows: Critiquing the cheerleading-like trend of wearing bows in hair.
– BeautyTok Trends: Highlighting the potential negative impact of certain trends on different skin types. Many have attempted it and ended up with clogged pores and acne breakouts as a result. Fixing the damage caused by a quick decision can take weeks, which can be frustrating and damaging to one’s confidence. – Lalais founder Lita Cunningham

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The Teen Skincare Craze led to the unnecessary use of numerous products on young skin. I believe that less is more when it comes to youthful skin, and it’s crucial to protect the skin barrier. – Stephanie DiPisa, founder of Solara Suncare

Baby Bangs have always been a source of stress for me. – Jay Small, certified trichologist, celebrity hairstylist, and Co-Founder of Arey

The trend of DIY „Botox“ walks a fine line between innovation and gimmick. Some 2024 trends, such as DIY „Botox“ made from flaxseeds, lack scientific support and fail to produce significant results. Certain procedures, especially those involving advanced technologies, should be performed by trained professionals to ensure effectiveness and safety. – Dr. Saami Khalifian from SOM Aesthetics

I’m ready to see the end of „Cowboy Copper“ and a stronger embrace of „Penny Lane Copper“ inspired tones, reminiscent of Chappell Roan. – Renée Valerie, Director, R+COLOR Education – Julie Chung, Mitbegründerin von T3

Weniger sauber, mehr wissenschaftlich fundiert

Ich denke, das Gespräch wird sich von den Grundlagen von „sauber und nachhaltiger“ auf Wirksamkeit und Ergebnisse verlagern. Ich denke, es ist möglich, all diese Kästchen anzukreuzen, und die Marken, die das tun, werden wiederkehrende Kunden gewinnen. – Stephanie DiPisa, Gründerin von Solara Suncare

Künstlerische Bobfrisuren

Denken Sie an einen tollen, kantigen Bob, der Ihre Gesichtsform und Ihren individuellen Stil berücksichtigt, sodass niemand gleich aussieht. – Garren, Promi-Stylist und Mitbegründer von R+Co

Die üppige rahmende Zopf-Frisur

Retro-Einflüsse treffen auf den Stil der Generation Z für eine mühelos coole Ausstrahlung. Dieser Look eignet sich am besten für langes Haar aller Texturen. Bitten Sie Ihren Stylisten um üppige Zöpfe, die das Gesicht umrahmen, während der Rest des Haares locker bleibt. Inspo: Hailey Bieber oder Vanessa Hudgens. – Leo Izquierdo, Mitbegründer von IGK Hair Care

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Schönheit von innen nach außen

Obwohl dieser Trend bereits begonnen hat, glaube ich, dass er im Jahr 2025 weiter an Fahrt gewinnen wird. Wir fangen gerade erst an, die Verbindung zwischen Darmgesundheit und Hautgesundheit zu verstehen, sodass Inhaltsstoffe, die ein gesundes Darmmikrobiom aufrechterhalten, weiter wachsen werden. – Dahlia Devkota, Gründerin von Editrix