The portfolio diet is a plant-based eating plan that focuses on reducing cholesterol and lowering the risk of heart disease. It includes plant-based proteins, fiber-rich foods, and healthy fats, making it entirely vegan. Research has shown that following the portfolio diet can significantly reduce „bad“ cholesterol levels and decrease the likelihood of heart attacks and strokes. Even incorporating some aspects of the portfolio diet into your eating habits can have positive effects on heart health. Reducing red meat and processed meats in favor of plant-based proteins is also recommended for overall heart health. The key takeaway is that the portfolio diet can be a beneficial way to improve heart health through dietary choices. Auch diejenigen, die nicht vollständig Fleisch aus ihrer Ernährung streichen, können einige Vorteile sehen, indem sie das Verhältnis von Pflanzenprotein zu Tierprotein in ihrer Ernährung erhöhen.