Die Schlagwörter, von denen Kreative sich bis 2025 verabschieden (und was sie stattdessen sagen sollten)

In the realm of creative industries, where everyone is seen as an innovator and disruptor, buzzwords like „synergy“ have become tired and overused, losing their impact. Whether it’s in meetings or design briefs, we all find ourselves guilty of using these buzzwords at some point, whether in an enthusiastic email or trying to fit in with the jargon on LinkedIn. It’s time to address the top ten offenders in the creative industry’s lexicon of buzzwords that sound impressive but often lack substance. Let’s bid farewell to these clichés so we can communicate more authentically.

1. Purpose-Led
The term „purpose-led“ is often used to describe companies with a clear purpose, but it has become overused and diluted. Instead of focusing on being purpose-led, some argue for being purposeful, as it conveys a more direct and genuine intention. Brands that use „purpose“ for virtue signaling may lose sight of their initial societal or environmental goals once profit becomes the primary focus, leading to a disconnect between their stated purpose and their actions.

2. Strategy
The word „strategy“ is often used loosely to describe vague goals and plans, lacking specificity and depth. By clarifying the type of strategy being discussed, such as business, creative, or digital, communication can be more effective. Rather than using a generic term like „strategy,“ being more precise in defining plans and objectives can lead to clearer and more meaningful discussions.

3. Premium
The term „premium“ is frequently used to describe products or services, particularly in the tech industry, but it can be ambiguous and abstract without a tangible product to reference. By moving away from generic descriptors like „premium,“ brands can explore more creative and innovative ways to communicate value and quality.

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4. Sustainability
„Sustainability“ has become a ubiquitous buzzword, leading to green fatigue among businesses and consumers. While it’s important for brands to prioritize sustainability, actions speak louder than words. By focusing on tangible solutions to reduce waste and improve recycling practices, brands can demonstrate a genuine commitment to sustainability.

5. Bring the Energy
The phrase „bring the energy“ is often used as a generic demand in meetings or creative briefs, lacking substance and meaning. Rather than relying on vague expressions of enthusiasm, it’s essential to communicate specific expectations and objectives to inspire meaningful work.

6. Brave or Fearless
Words like „brave“ and „fearless“ are often used to describe work as edgy or bold, but they can ring hollow if the output doesn’t live up to these expectations. True bravery in creativity involves pushing boundaries, experimenting with new ideas, and taking risks, even if it means facing failure. Instead of using buzzwords to create the illusion of boldness, it’s crucial to genuinely challenge conventions and embrace innovation. In a world where every other campaign is described as „brave“ or „fearless,“ these terms have become cliché and feel like a marketing tactic.

To truly embody bravery, one must take risks and challenge norms, allowing the work to speak for itself rather than relying on empty buzzwords.

Empowerment is often used to mask the power already present within individuals, with brands using it as a way to ask for action in a subtle manner.

The term „authentic“ lacks context and specificity, leaving it open to interpretation without adding any real substance to a brand’s positioning.

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The word „culture“ has been overused to the point of losing its impact, with creativity needing to naturally belong in culture rather than forcefully trying to fit in.

„Storytelling“ has devolved into a marketing tactic rather than a genuine method of conveying a narrative, with the true essence of storytelling found in industries like video games and manga.

The Ick App was created to help individuals spot and rethink overused buzzwords and jargon, providing feedback on words that may not effectively convey a message. It aims to assist marketers, founders, product teams, and professional copywriters in refining their language for more impactful communication. Letztendlich haben sie es entworfen, um sich selbst, ihren Kunden und der breiteren kreativen Gemeinschaft zu helfen, mit mehr Klarheit, Kreativität und Originalität zu schreiben.

Inklusivität war auch eine Überlegung, daher enthält die Ick-App mehrere verschiedene „Modi“, die entwickelt wurden, um den Schreibprozess angenehmer und benutzerfreundlicher zu gestalten. Ick hat versucht, alle Aspekte abzudecken, ob Sie einen Dyslexie-freundlichen Modus, einen fokusgetriebenen Lightbox-Modus oder einen Nachtmodus für nächtliche kreative Sprints benötigen.

Also, wenn Sie es satt haben, gegen die „Buzzword-Lawine“ anzukämpfen, die oft das Geschäfts- und Kreativschreiben plagt, könnte die Ick-App das Werkzeug sein, das Sie nicht wussten, dass Sie es brauchen. Behalten Sie ihre Veröffentlichung in den nächsten Wochen im Auge.

Allgemein gesprochen ist klar, dass wir alle ehrliche und spezifische Kommunikation begehren. Vielleicht müssen einige dieser Begriffe nicht für immer verworfen werden; sie müssen nur sorgfältiger betrachtet und auf die richtige Weise verwendet werden.

Letztendlich bedeutet dies wahrscheinlich, dass Kreative mehr Zeit damit verbringen können, die Arbeit zu machen, die sie lieben, anstatt darüber zu sprechen!

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