Die überraschenden Wege, auf denen Ihr Körper Ihnen sagt, dass er Ballaststoffe benötigt – Bestes Leben

Are you meeting your daily fiber requirements? According to Veronica Mullins, an associate professor at the University of Arizona, women aged 19-50 should aim for 25 grams of fiber per day, while those over 50 should aim for 21 grams. For men, the recommended intake is 38 grams for ages 19-50, and 30 grams after 50. Not consuming enough fiber can lead to various unexpected symptoms. Here are 7 surprising signs that indicate you need more fiber in your diet.

RELATED: This Fiber Habit Helps You Lose Belly Fat.

1. Bathroom Battles


Constipation is a common symptom of insufficient fiber intake. Lon Ben-Asher, a registered dietitian, explains that inadequate fiber intake can make it challenging for stool to pass through the GI tract, leading to infrequent bowel movements.

2. High ‘Bad’ Cholesterol

Studies suggest that fiber can help lower cholesterol levels. Elizabeth Klodas, MD, FACC, notes that soluble fiber binds cholesterol in the digestive system, preventing it from entering circulation.

3. Low Energy

A lack of fiber can affect energy levels, causing fatigue and sluggishness. Kim McDevitt, MPH, RD, explains that fiber regulates the rate of energy processing in the body, leading to more stable energy levels.

4. Feeling Hungry After Eating


If you feel hungry soon after eating, it could be due to insufficient fiber intake. Veronica Mullins emphasizes that fiber helps you feel full longer by slowing down nutrient absorption and regulating blood sugar levels.

RELATED: Nutritionists Say This Breakfast Is Perfect for Weight Loss.

5. Irregular Bowel Movements


Painful, irregular bowel movements may indicate low fiber intake. Kim McDevitt suggests increasing fiber intake to improve bowel regularity and reduce discomfort.

6. Blood Sugar Spikes


Edward Giovannucci, MD, explains that consuming fiber with carbohydrates can slow down their absorption, preventing blood sugar spikes.

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