Ein Liebesbrief an Stockport: Alison Waters‘ keramische Hommage an einen ‚unerwünschten‘ Parkplatz

Stockport’s Merseyway car park may not be considered visually appealing, but local artist Alison Waters finds inspiration in its modernist screen designed by architect Alan Boyson in 1965. This screen, often overlooked, becomes the focus of Waters‘ exhibition, View Through a Hole.

The ceramic sculptures created by Waters draw from the views of Stockport visible through the geometric facade of Boyson’s structure, incorporating photographs taken by her nephew, Dylan Barker. Barker’s photography project documenting Stockport’s architecture played a significant role in Waters‘ artistic process, leading to a collaboration that showcases the evolving town through a unique perspective.

Through a meticulous hands-on process, Waters transforms her observations into tactile ceramic pieces that celebrate Stockport’s architectural diversity. The collaboration with Barker adds another layer of perspective to the exhibition, emphasizing the beauty of everyday structures often taken for granted.

View Through a Hole not only highlights the artistic value of Boyson’s design but also reflects on Stockport’s regeneration and historical transformation. By capturing and preserving moments in the town’s history, Waters aims to challenge perceptions and find beauty in the overlooked aspects of urban landscapes.

The exhibition at The Modernist Society gallery in Manchester invites viewers to reexamine their surroundings and appreciate the artistry hidden in everyday places, encouraging a deeper appreciation for the architectural designs that shape our cities.

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