Eine umfassende Zeitlinie der Ereignisse

The ongoing dispute between South Korean entertainment powerhouse HYBE, its subsidiary label ADOR, and K-pop girl group NewJeans has become one of the most prominent feuds in recent K-pop history.

ADOR, led by former SM Entertainment creative director Min Hee-jin, was once set to be a successful label under HYBE. However, a power struggle has arisen over the management of NewJeans and future projects within ADOR.

Established in November 2021, ADOR has faced challenges in maintaining control over its creative direction due to conflicts with HYBE. The future of NewJeans hangs in the balance amidst this turmoil.

The feud escalated on April 22, 2024, when HYBE initiated an internal audit of ADOR. This move sparked accusations from Min Hee-jin, claiming that HYBE was undermining NewJeans‘ success by copying their work for a new girl group called ILLIT.

HYBE’s CEO, Park Ji-won, countered by alleging that Min and other ADOR executives were attempting to take control of the label. Despite denials from Min and ADOR executives, the conflict continued to escalate.

In a press conference, Min defended herself against HYBE’s claims, stating that she had only raised concerns internally about similarities between NewJeans and ILLIT. She also accused HYBE of manipulating the situation to discredit her.

The ongoing feud between HYBE, ADOR, and NewJeans has brought to light the complexities and challenges within the K-pop industry, as power struggles and creative differences continue to impact the future of these entertainment entities. „That was all Bang Si-hyuk’s doing,“ stated The Korea Herald. HYBE claimed that Min had „manipulated the truth“ during the conference and requested her resignation as CEO of ADOR.

On April 26, 2024, HYBE refuted Min Hee-jin’s press conference claims, stating that many of her claims were far from the truth and difficult to address individually. They accused Min of distorting facts and mixing up timelines, urging her to resign for the proper management of ADOR.

On May 2, 2024, industry insiders reported that Min had demanded the authority to terminate NewJeans‘ contracts, which HYBE rejected as excessive. Min clarified that the request was to address interference by HYBE and ensure independent management of the label.

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On May 7, 2024, HYBE requested a shareholders‘ meeting to fire Min Hee-jin, citing a violation of the shareholders‘ contract. Min filed an injunction on May 9, aiming to protect the corporate value of ADOR and its artists.

On May 13, 2024, NewJeans‘ parents allegedly spoke out in a letter, expressing concerns over similarities between NewJeans and another group under HYBE. HYBE responded, accusing Min of doctoring the letter and planning a takeover of management rights.

On May 23, 2024, Belift Lab sued Min Hee-jin for defamation over plagiarism claims regarding ILLIT. Belift Lab denied the allegations and submitted evidence to prove their innocence.

On May 30, 2024, the court granted Min Hee-jin an injunction against HYBE, preventing them from exercising voting rights and dismissing her as CEO of ADOR. The court stated that while Min’s actions may be seen as betrayal, they do not constitute breach of trust towards ADOR. HYBE respected the court’s decision and agreed not to exercise voting rights at the upcoming shareholders‘ meeting. „The company also stated that it intends to move forward with subsequent actions within the limits established by the law.“ Member Danielle expressed their deep love and gratitude for former CEO Min Hee-jin, stating that she always cherishes and protects them. Hyein reiterated their appreciation for Min Hee-jin, emphasizing that they are truly thankful for their CEO and love her dearly.

On September 11, 2024, NewJeans hosted a livestream to advocate for Min Hee-jin’s reinstatement as CEO, criticizing HYBE as an „inhumane company.“ The group urged HYBE to bring back Min Hee-jin by September 25 to maintain a peaceful coexistence.

Subsequently, on September 13, 2024, Min Hee-jin filed an injunction for a shareholder’s meeting to reappoint her as an internal ADOR director, citing a violation of the shareholders‘ agreement by HYBE. Despite HYBE’s response claiming the termination of the agreement, Min continued her legal battle.

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However, on October 29, 2024, the Seoul court dismissed Min’s injunction, stating that her claims did not meet the requirements for a legal judgment. Nevertheless, on September 25, 2024, Min was reinstated as an internal director but denied the position of CEO by ADOR.

As tensions escalated, on November 14, 2024, NewJeans reportedly threatened to leave ADOR if contract breaches were not rectified within 14 days. This was followed by Min Hee-jin’s resignation from her internal director position on November 20, stating her intent to hold HYBE accountable for breaching the shareholder agreement. After resigning, Min stated her intention to take legal action against the alleged illegal activities of HYBE and its affiliates.

November 20, 2024 – The South Korean Labour Ministry dismissed NewJeans‘ claims of workplace harassment at HYBE, citing the nature of the management contract signed by Hanni as the reason for their decision.

November 27, 2024 – A new bill named the ‚NewJeans Hanni act‘ was introduced at the National Assembly to prevent workplace bullying and extend legal protection to entertainers like K-pop idols.

November 26, 2024 – Min Hee-jin filed criminal complaints against two HYBE PR executives for allegedly downplaying NewJeans‘ achievements and causing damage to the group.

November 28, 2024 – NewJeans terminated their contracts with ADOR in an emergency press conference, citing breaches of contract obligations by the label.

November 28, 2024 – ADOR refuted NewJeans‘ statements from the press conference, claiming the contract was still in full effect and requesting continued cooperation.

December 2, 2024 – Min Hee-jin denied any involvement in NewJeans‘ contract termination and filed lawsuits against former HYBE executives and reporters for defamation.

December 4, 2024 – ADOR filed a lawsuit to confirm the validity of their contracts with NewJeans, stating it was necessary to ensure legal enforcement and the continued development of K-pop.

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December 6, 2024 – NewJeans reiterated their right to terminate contracts with ADOR and claimed the label harassed their team post-departure. Sie wiesen darauf hin, dass „ADOR versäumt hat, ordnungsgemäß geltend zu machen, dass es keine Verstöße gegen die Exklusivverträge gab“ in ihrer Klageankündigung, und dass sie ihre Sorgfaltspflicht erfüllt haben, um „Gewinne, die die Investition für ADOR und HYBE übersteigen, zurückzugeben“.

Trotzdem beschuldigte NewJeans HYBE, „verschiedene Formen der Einmischung zu versuchen, einschließlich Verleumdung und umgekehrtem viralen Marketing, um uns abzuwerten“, und fügte hinzu, dass das Label „dies unter neuer Leitung zugelassen hat“.

Die Band beschuldigte auch ADOR, „uns heimlich zu verfolgen, uns zu verleumden und falsche Informationen über Medien zu verbreiten“, zusätzlich zu „schwerwiegendem Belästigen“ und Untersuchung von Personal, das NewJeans nach der ADOR-Abreise unterstützt hat.

„Wir hoffen, dass durch den rechtlichen Prozess die Gründe für unsere Entscheidung, unsere exklusiven Verträge zu beenden, und die Vertragsverletzungen von ADOR vollständig aufgedeckt werden“, schloss die Erklärung.

15. Dezember 2024 – Mitglieder von NewJeans starten unabhängiges Instagram-Konto, ADOR warnt dagegen

Am 15. Dezember starteten die fünf Mitglieder von NewJeans – Minji, Danielle, Hanni, Haerin und Hyein – ein neues Instagram-Konto @jeanzforfree, um mit ihren Fans zu kommunizieren und sie nach der Trennung von ADOR auf dem Laufenden zu halten.

ADOR veröffentlichte später am 18. Dezember eine Erklärung, in der die Band aufgefordert wurde, zu ihren offiziellen Social-Media-Kanälen zurückzukehren, unter Berufung auf Bedenken von Werbetreibenden. „Abgesehen von den offiziellen SNS-Konten von NewJeans, die von ADOR eröffnet wurden, wurden alle Konten ohne vorherige Absprache unter dem Exklusivvertrag eröffnet“, schrieb das Label.

ADOR wies auf „Anfragen und Beschwerden von Dritten“ hin und sagte, dass die Trennung der Aktivitäten von NewJeans über andere Kanäle die Band und ADOR rechtlichen Problemen mit Werbetreibenden aussetzen könnte. NewJeans haben bisher nicht auf die Erklärung von ADOR reagiert.