Fitzroy of London strahlt erschwinglichen Luxus mit neuer Marke von SUN aus.

Studio Up North (SUN) has rebranded accessible bathroom designer and manufacturer Fitzroy of London, giving it an identity that reflects the craft and quality of its products while unifying its portfolio under one name.

Formerly known as NYMAS Group, Fitzroy of London holds over two decades of experience and expertise in the accessible bathroom and washroom industry. The name Fitzroy of London, which was previously used for a specific range within the Nymas Group portfolio, is now being used to reposition the entire brand hierarchy and bring together the Nymas Care, Nymas Pro, and Nymas Style ranges under one identity.

Taking inspiration from the rich cultural history and creative spirit of Fitzrovia, Fitzroy of London perfectly captures the tradition of bohemianism with its classic and contemporary designs.

Fitzroy of London’s mission is to create design-led washrooms that are safe, accessible, and dignified for all. SUN was tasked with communicating this mission through the new brand, incorporating a commitment to users‘ wellbeing and dignity, as well as enhancing customer and user experience.

Positioning Fitzroy of London as a collaborator was crucial, highlighting the brand’s understanding of and contribution to the customer’s design narrative. The aim was to show that beautiful interior design should be accessible to everyone.

Research showed that clearer brand positioning was needed to distinguish Fitzroy of London from its competitors. The new identity emphasizes the partnership between Fitzroy and interior designers, empowering them to bring their creative visions to life in accessible, individual, and innovative ways.

The brand’s ethos, ‚Freedom to create‘, is central to the strategy, emphasizing the impact on the built environment and the respect for artistic autonomy while also encouraging and challenging interior designers.

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The brand line ‚Exquisite bathrooms and washrooms for all‘ was developed to convey the emotional appeal of the products and leave a lasting impression on customers.