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Architectural practices are often known for their designs, but NVB, an award-winning firm based in Frome, has gone beyond their buildings to create a new visual identity and website in collaboration with Supple Studio and Mud.

Specializing in education, community, and public spaces, NVB wanted to establish itself as a leading practice in the education sector. The resulting brand combines playfulness with technical expertise, reflecting NVB’s commitment to creativity and innovation in architecture.

The rebrand was spurred by a change in leadership at NVB, with a focus on becoming a specialist in educational spaces. The new brand strategy revolves around ‚A different school of thought‘, emphasizing NVB’s experience in creating a wide range of educational spaces.

The standout feature of NVB’s new visual identity is the use of six modular shapes, symbolizing the playful yet sophisticated approach to creating interactive and imaginative spaces. These shapes, along with a modular typeface inspired by the logo, are used across various applications to convey NVB’s expertise and playful nature.

Color also plays a significant role in setting NVB apart from other architectural firms, with a focus on vibrant colors to stand out in a predominantly black-and-white industry.

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