Inspiriert von meiner Kindheit – mit Cindy Kang

During this time in 2021, we highlighted the New York-based illustrator Cindy Kang as someone to keep an eye on. Since then, she has worked with major brands like Samsung and Macy’s, but her focus on illustrating children’s books has become a newfound passion. Cindy’s art often delves into the theme of growing up, exploring life experiences, challenges, and lessons learned. She believes that creating work for children aligns with her artistic goals and allows her to better understand herself and others. Drawing inspiration from her own childhood, Cindy has started a personal series on growing up using a mix of natural and digital media. Her illustrations capture small but meaningful moments reminiscent of her time in Seoul, South Korea before moving to the US in 2009.

Cindy hopes that viewers can reconnect with their childhoods through her works and appreciate the simple joys of life. Her experience as an illustrator for children’s books, such as „King Sejong Invents an Alphabet“ by Carol Kim, has presented its own set of challenges and rewards. With her Korean background, Cindy’s deep dive into the history of King Sejong’s time allowed her to reflect on her own childhood and develop empathy for others. Graduating from the School of Visual Arts in New York in 2018, Cindy has illustrated various books for publishers like Lawrence King and Dorling Kindersley, using a mix of digital and traditional media. She looks forward to incorporating traditional techniques into her commercial work while finding creative release through her self-initiated children’s artworks. Cindy’s vibrant style aims to bring visual impact to her clients‘ products while staying true to her personal and children’s illustrations.

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