Poster Kult: Die neuesten Werke des Schweizer Druckers Dafi Kühne

It appears that the world of technology and digital advancements is constantly evolving, even impacting the traditional realms of art and design. The charm of analog techniques seems to be fading as print media decreases, and digital marketing takes over.

However, amidst all this change, poster printing continues to thrive as a means of communication and advertising. Dafi Kühne, a prominent poster designer from Switzerland, has successfully merged traditional and modern techniques in his work.

Having studied Visual Communication at Zurich University of the Arts, Kühne established his own studio, „Babyinktwice,“ where he specializes in typographic posters for various creative projects. He combines letterpress printing on traditional presses with modern tools like computers and laser-engraved blocks to create unique designs.

Kühne’s dedication to pushing the boundaries of poster printing is evident in his latest book, Poster Cult, which delves into the evolution of his techniques over the years. This publication offers a detailed look at his technical and conceptual growth, showcasing his passion for creating large print formats.

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