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„Nepo-Babys haben noch nie so viel Hass erlebt“ – Nepo-Babys haben noch nie so viel Hass erfahren

Phoenix Brown, daughter of Mel B, has entered the discussion on nepotism and highlighted the challenges faced by „nepo babies“ who often experience significant backlash despite their talents and hard work. Brown, who is pursuing a career in entertainment as a DJ and presenter, acknowledges the advantages she has due to her mother’s fame but also recognizes the hard work her mother put in to pave the way for her. She questions the growing anger towards nepo babies and wonders if they are unfairly targeted for wider societal inequalities.

Other celebrities, like Lily Allen, Lily-Rose Depp, and Emma Roberts, have also spoken out against the label of being a „nepo baby,“ noting the sexist undertones and the misconception that their success is solely due to their familial connections. These individuals emphasize the hard work and dedication they have put into their careers, despite the challenges they face due to their family backgrounds.

Ultimately, the debate over nepotism in the entertainment industry continues to provoke discussion among both celebrities and the public, highlighting the complexities and biases that exist within the industry.

Und ich habe gerade versucht, so hart zu arbeiten, wie ich nur kann, um zu beweisen, dass ich es verdiene, durch diese Tür zu gehen.

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