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Neun Berühmtheiten, die sagen, dass sie „niemals“ Ozempic verwenden würden – Bestes Leben

GLP-1 weight-loss drugs, such as Ozempic and Wegovy, have garnered attention and praise from Hollywood celebrities like Oprah Winfrey. Despite this, not all stars are eager to join the weight-loss trend. Jillian Michaels, a fitness guru, criticized the use of these injections, calling it „yo-yo dieting but on steroids“ and likening users to „a prisoner for life.“ Read on to discover which other celebrities are against using Ozempic.

RELATED: 8 Celebrities Who’ve Admitted to Using Ozempic.

1. Kate Winslet


In a March 2024 interview with The New York Times, Kate Winslet expressed her ignorance about Ozempic, referring to it as „some pill that people are taking or something.“ When informed about the weight-loss effects of the drug, Winslet humorously responded, „Oh, my God…This sounds terrible. Let’s eat some more things!“ while enjoying a pastry.

2. Nigella Lawson

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Nigella Lawson dismissed the idea of quieting her food cravings, stating that she takes pleasure in thinking about food all the time. She explained that using a medication to suppress her thoughts on food is not something she is interested in. Lawson emphasized the importance of not judging others‘ medical decisions and highlighted her preference for focusing on adding to her diet rather than restricting it.

4. Jameela Jamil


British actor and activist Jameela Jamil has chosen not to partake in the use of Ozempic and similar weight-loss drugs. In an Instagram post, she criticized Hollywood individuals for using these drugs to achieve extreme thinness, emphasizing her own journey of recovery from anorexia and the importance of embracing her natural body shape.

5. Jelly Roll

Jason Davis / Getty Images

Country singer-songwriter Jelly Roll expressed his fear of Ozempic due to its potential side effects, particularly its impact on his singing career. Despite his concerns, Jelly Roll acknowledged that doctors support the use of such drugs and shared his successful weight loss journey through diet and exercise.

6. Carnie Wilson

VALERIE MACON / Shutterstock

Similar to Jelly Roll, singer Carnie Wilson was hesitant to try Ozempic, citing concerns about its side effects. She explained that while the drug may work for some, she personally did not want to take the risk. Wilson acknowledged that she might have considered it in the past, but not at present. „Es ist definitiv nicht für mich.“Wilson sagte, dass sie 40 Pfund verloren hat, indem sie Zucker und Gluten aus ihrer Ernährung weggelassen hat und mehr Feta- und Parmesankäse, braunen Reis, Gemüse (insbesondere Rüben) und Salate eingebaut hat.

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