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Titel neu schreiben und ins Deutsche übersetzen: Kunst in Amerikas „Wellness“-Ausgabe untersucht die Wendung der Kunst in Richtung Gesundheit

Let it be known, Wellness in this context does not refer to the superficial practices of the Goop world. It actually delves into how artists are exploring ways to take care of our bodies and minds in a world that often hinders our well-being. With wildfires raging and stresses mounting globally, the need for self-care and community preservation becomes paramount.

Jenny Odell, in her book „How to Do Nothing,“ references Audre Lorde’s powerful words on self-care as a form of political resistance. Artists like LaToya Ruby Frazier and Sunaura Taylor are leading the charge in addressing the challenges of our „Age of Disability,“ as explored by Emily Watlington in her essay on climate change and disability.

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Art and self-care intersect in many ways, as observed by artist and therapist Max Maslansky. Creating art can be a form of self-care, allowing for a healing connection with oneself. On a darker note, Emily McDermott’s profile on Johanna Hedva delves into themes of care and healing in the face of decay and death.

Looking at the practices of Marina Abramović, Marisa Meltzer questions whether longevity methods are genuine performances or commercial ventures. The line between art and self-care blurs further as we explore the healing practices of artists in this issue.


San Francisco
Tamara de Lempicka
von Kelly Presutti

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