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Freiheit von Angela Merkel Rezension – Abrechnung mit Stille | Autobiografie und Memoiren

Former German chancellor Angela Merkel was known by many as the “queen of Europe”, the “most powerful woman in the world”, and the “leader of the free world” during her 16-year tenure. Despite these titles, her role was more that of a mediator than a sovereign. Merkel’s unique ability to understand and connect with politicians from different ideological backgrounds stemmed from her upbringing in an anti-church, Moscow-allied socialist environment and her political career in a Christian, pro-Nato, and pro-market conservative party.

In her autobiography, „Freedom,“ Merkel reflects on her interactions with various world leaders, showcasing her respect and affection for even those with whom she disagreed. She adheres to a motto of “Never explain, never complain” when it comes to those who slighted her, choosing non-mentions over direct criticism. Despite her encounters with politicians like Donald Trump, Merkel maintains a diplomatic approach, even when their views clash with hers.

The book delves into Merkel’s early years behind the iron curtain and her experiences in the German Democratic Republic. She candidly discusses the challenges of navigating her past in a divided Germany and her reluctance to be pigeonholed as the first female chancellor. Throughout the book, Merkel’s resilience and determination shine through, especially in moments of crisis such as the global banking crisis and the refugee influx in 2015.

Merkel’s strategic decisions and diplomatic skills are put to the test in the face of geopolitical challenges, including Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Despite her deep understanding of Russian politics and her efforts to maintain relations with Putin, Merkel remained realistic about his intentions to challenge American influence in the post-Cold War era.

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