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Neuer Titel: „Ruhm ist eine Droge wie LSD“: Robbie Williams über Erfolg, Sexualität und sein Film-Alter Ego als Affe | Robbie Williams

During the portrayal of his life story, Robbie Williams had aspirations of embodying the strength and power of a lion. He desired to exude the same qualities as the majestic feline tattooed on his shoulder or the agility of the tiger featured on his Rock DJ pants. „I was searching for self-worth at that time,“ he explains. „We all are, always. So I declared, ‚I AM A LION!'“

However, in the uniquely eccentric musical biopic Better Man, directed by Michael Gracey of The Greatest Showman, Williams is not depicted as the King of the jungle but rather as a comical, CGI chimp.

While Better Man follows the typical biopic formula in recounting Williams’s life story – absentee father, attention-seeking behavior as a child, struggles with self-esteem, casual relationships, and substance abuse – the inclusion of a CGI monkey adds a surreal touch that sets it apart. Much like Williams himself, the film is a blend of humor, emotion, melancholy, cheekiness, and narcissism all rolled into one.

Williams acknowledges the unconventional choice of portraying him as a monkey in the film, stating that it adds an intriguing element that would appeal not just to his fans but to a wider audience. The film features scenes like a chimp snorting cocaine in front of caricatures of the Gallagher brothers and a monkey version of Robbie receiving a fan’s amorous attention in a nightclub.

Seated comfortably in a London hotel suite, the youthful 50-year-old Williams, dressed sharply in a brown suit and leopard-print loafers, reflects on his career and personal life. Alongside him sits Gracey, who initially found inspiration for the film from Williams’s engaging storytelling style.

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Williams’s decision to participate in a biopic stems from his constant need for attention, acknowledging that his profession thrives on being in the spotlight. This complex relationship with fame is a central theme in Better Man, exploring the impact it has had on Williams’s mental health and relationships.

The film delves into dark moments of Williams’s life, including struggles with mental health, substance abuse, and strained relationships. The portrayal of his tumultuous relationship with Nicole Appleton and the heartbreaking decision they faced adds a poignant layer to the narrative, showcasing the challenges of fame and personal life intertwining.

„It’s only now that you go ‘what the heck? That’s insane’.”

Dance, monkey, dance: the She’s the One sequences about his romance with Nicole Appleton Photograph: © Paramount Pictures

In recent years, there has been a reckoning with the treatment of young adults in the high-pressure pop industry of the 90s and 00s. Williams recently appeared on the BBC’s Boybands Forever documentary, where he discussed the bullying he experienced from Take That’s then manager Nigel Martin-Smith. Martin-Smith, on the other hand, claimed that Williams was using him as a scapegoat for his own issues.

Today’s interview is also shadowed by the tragic death of One Direction member Liam Payne at just 31, a topic that Williams chooses not to discuss directly out of respect for Payne’s family. However, he remains hopeful that things can change for today’s pop stars and that a group of creative individuals can come together to find solutions.

Williams acknowledges that the past is complex. In an open letter to Martin-Smith on Instagram, he emphasized the need for self-reflection and understanding, rather than simply assigning blame. He believes that back then, there was a lack of awareness about mental health issues and breakdowns, which affected his own well-being.

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‘Five boys, isolated’: Take That in 1993:
(clockwise from lower left) Robbie Williams, Mark Owen, Gary Barlow, Jason Orange and Howard Donald. Photograph: L Busacca/WireImage

Reflecting on his time with Take That, Williams recalls the isolation and surreal experience of fame. He likens it to a drug, drawing parallels between fame and LSD. He acknowledges that all the members of the band were going through a unique and overwhelming experience.

In the film Better Man, the villains in Williams’s story constantly change. Williams himself admits to being his own worst enemy. The film also portrays other figures like Martin-Smith and Gary Barlow in different lights, highlighting their impact on Williams’s life.

As the conversation shifts to legal matters, Williams and the director, Gracey, discuss the portrayal of individuals in the film. Williams humorously remarks on the opinions expressed in the film, including calling Martin-Smith a „first class cunt.“

Simian mobile disco: a scene from Better Man. Photograph: © Paramount Pictures

The film also touches on rumors surrounding Williams’s sexuality, adding another layer of complexity to his story.

Im Jahr 2004 führte eine Boulevardzeitung ein Interview mit dem angeblichen „geheimen schwulen Liebhaber“ von Williams, was darauf hindeutet, dass Williams die Öffentlichkeit täuschte, indem er behauptete, Sex mit Frauen zu haben, um seine „schmierigen homosexuellen Begegnungen mit Fremden“ zu vertuschen. Ein Jahr später verklagte er die Zeitung wegen Verleumdung und erhielt erhebliche Schadensersatzforderungen und eine Entschuldigung.

Später, sichtlich besorgt, bringt er das Thema erneut zur Sprache. „Du willst ein Verbündeter sein und gleichzeitig deine eigene Authentizität und dein eigenes Leben schützen“, sagt er. „Außerdem, wenn ich einen Schwanz lutschen will, dann lutsche ich einen Schwanz. Wer will mich verdammt noch mal aufhalten? Meine Frau? Der Bart!“

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Williams hat zwei Bücher (Feel von 2004 und Reveal von 2017), die vierteilige Netflix-Dokumentarserie des letzten Jahres und eine beträchtliche Menge an Therapie darauf verwendet, über das Zusammenspiel zwischen seinem Leben und seinem Ruhm nachzudenken. Seit der Heirat mit Field im Jahr 2010 und dem Beginn einer Familie hat sich seine Herangehensweise geändert. „‚Papa geht arbeiten‘, das sage ich jetzt“, sagt er. „Es war früher kein Job. Es sollte etwas Magisches sein und als ich den Gipfel des Berges erreichte, war da nur existenzielle Krise. Aber seit [Theodora] angekommen ist, bin ich erwachsen geworden, und eine der großen [Veränderungen] ist, es ist ein Job.“

Er lächelt ein großes, herrlich aufdringliches Robbie Williams-Grinsen. „Das ist mein Job – und ich liebe es verdammt noch mal.“

Besserer Mann wird am 26. Dezember im Vereinigten Königreich veröffentlicht. Der Soundtrack wird am 27. Dezember digital veröffentlicht. Robbie Williams tourt nächsten Sommer durch das Vereinigte Königreich, Irland und Europa.