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It is 1pm in American Fork, Utah, and the author of one of the biggest books of the year – in physical size and sales potential – is in his bedroom, having just woken up. This is a typical routine for Brandon Sanderson, who usually writes until about 4am and then gets up around noon. Sanderson, a Nebraska-born author, has been writing through the night for the past 25 years, starting as a student working graveyard shifts at a hotel drafting unpublished novels. His debut novel, Elantris, was published in 2005 to acclaim, followed by the successful Mistborn series a year later. However, the Stormlight Archive, a saga that has sold over 10 million copies of the 34 million total copies sold in Sanderson’s career, is his defining work.

The fifth book in the Stormlight Archive series, Wind and Truth, holds a lot of weight as it is part of a promised 10-book cycle. Sanderson acknowledges the pressure, recognizing that many would love to be in his position. The setting of the Stormlight series is unique, featuring a world shaped by brutal storms, with humans settling in the midst of a looming threat from the god Odium. Sanderson’s books, though not concise, carry intriguing plots forward with cosmic drama and character development.

Sanderson emphasizes that while world-building and magic are essential in fantasy, the character interactions and core values are what make a story great. By the time Wind and Truth is released, the epic scale of the Stormlight Archive is evident, with cities under siege and heroes wielding supernatural powers.

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Sanderson attributes his success to luck, noting the cultural shift that enabled his works to gain popularity. The interconnected universe of the Cosmere, similar to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, has captured readers‘ imaginations. Fans eagerly participate in special projects and fundraising initiatives, showing their dedication to Sanderson’s work.

Sanderson’s decision to establish his own publishing house, Dragonsteel, was influenced by a dispute with Amazon over eBook pricing. He aims to be independent of major retailers and focus on direct-to-consumer projects. While some film adaptations of his works have not materialized, Sanderson remains dedicated to writing and is working on honing his screenwriting skills.

Despite the challenges of the industry, books remain Sanderson’s true passion. Er schwärmt von der Aufregung, die entsteht, wenn man das Wunder der Magie mit der „Knusprigkeit“ einer wissenschaftlichen Perspektive kombiniert, und verfolgt die Entwicklung der Fantasy als „brandneues Genre“ von CS Lewis und JRR Tolkien über George RR Martin („sehr klug“), NK Jemisin und Joe Abercrombie. „Wenn du aufgehört hast, es zu lesen, versuch es. Du wirst alles finden, was du in jedem anderen Genre willst, plus es wird Drachen geben“, sagt er. „Also warum würdest du etwas anderes lesen?“

Wind und Wahrheit von Brandon Sanderson wird von Orion veröffentlicht (30 €). Um den Guardian und Observer zu unterstützen, bestellen Sie Ihr Exemplar unter guardianbookshop.com. Liefergebühren können anfallen.