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„‘Macht mir nie einen schlechten Tag’: Leser über ihre Wohlfühlfilme“ | Film

An Affair to Remember

An all-time favorite of my parents, who even let me watch it on a school night. I particularly enjoyed the witty dialogue and Deborah Kerr’s performance, especially the „pink champagne“ request that I used to tease my younger sister. It’s currently on Netflix, so I’m enjoying it once again. Deepavali70

Field of Dreams

A heartwarming, tear-jerking, anti-fascist ghost story centered around baseball and fatherhood during a time when the US had more heroes than villains. Feels like a distant memory now. SnorkellingZeem

Walk Don’t Run

Although a bit dated, this 60s romantic comedy features a delightful final performance by Cary Grant as a sweet and meddling matchmaker. Samantha Eggar’s performance is also lovely. The physical comedy moments always make me laugh. Dontwantaname1

In a Year With 13 Moons

A heartwarming film about personal transformational change. reidlou

Rise of the Guardians

A film celebrating the innocence of childhood. I always cheer when Jude Law’s character gets what he deserves! I make it a point to watch it every Christmas. Anita1970

Meg Ryan and Kevin Kline in French Kiss. Photograph: 20 Century Fox/Allstar

French Kiss

Featuring better acting, a funnier and smarter storyline compared to „When Harry Met Sally.“ TreeFrogJohn

Y Tu Mamá También

Capturing the essence of adolescence perfectly, this film may be too bold for some but offers exceptional comedy and social commentary. MJMKeating

Cinema Paradiso

An absolute work of art that never fails to touch my heart. Innocence, nostalgia, and a hint of loss and loneliness make it a beautiful and majestic film for me during tough times. Aubrey26

How to Steal a Million

Audrey Hepburn and Peter O’Toole shine in this romantic comedy. The crazy fashions, silly plot, and fun lines make it a delightful watch. ThinkingAoud

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The Big Lebowski

Featuring a brilliant soundtrack, endlessly quotable dialogue, and flawless performances from the cast. A quirky and funny film with a relaxed and fuzzy storyline. thealmightycraig

Despite its silly plot, the sharp script and marvelous acting make it a laugh-out-loud experience. I can recite the script almost perfectly after watching it multiple times. rewilder


A film I’ve seen countless times, always bringing joy. Every character, big or small, delivers memorable lines. The grandfather steals the show with his humor. Fintan28

A still from Pride. Photograph: Nicola Dove/Allstar


I stumbled upon this film on a dull afternoon and left the cinema filled with joy. The amazing soundtrack and uplifting story make it a truly special watch. Cardykid

The Daytrippers

Follow a bickering family from Long Island on their journey through the city to uncover a mystery. The phenomenal cast includes Anne Meara, Parker Posey, and Liev Schreiber. Marcia Gay Harden’s performance is particularly hilarious. VColarusso

My Man Godfrey

Featuring perfect performances by William Powell and Carole Lombard, supported by a strong cast. The film is witty, charming, and heartfelt. The cinematography is also stunning. JDAretired

Some Kind of Wonderful

A film where all characters feel authentic, leading to real and right decisions. The ending is a testament to the idea that sometimes letting go can bring back what you desire. Splutterer

Six Degrees of Separation

Stockard Channing’s powerful declaration at the end resolves the tension in the story, showcasing life’s interconnected threads. A brilliant and satisfying ending that never fails to thrill. cbpm72


Featuring wonderful chemistry between Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn, supported by a strong cast. Set in glamorous Paris, the film combines romance, comedy, and thrills seamlessly. FrogCDE

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The Inbetweeners

Cleverly balancing laddish humor with sweetness, this series showcases four misfits navigating life together. 11LFO11

Johnny Depp in Ed Wood. Photograph: Touchstone/Allstar

Ed Wood

Featuring a great script, wonderful performances, and a heartwarming story. It’s a film that celebrates love, friendship, and compassion, despite the challenges. ThornDavis

This Is Spinal Tap

Even after watching it countless times, the appearance of Stonehenge always brings a giggle. DarenB

The Nice Guys

While not a masterpiece, this film holds a special place in my heart. Es ist eine wunderbare Mischung aus 70er Jahre Noir-Pastiche, Buddy-Cop-Komödie und Detektivdrama mit einer verdammt guten Besetzung und wahrscheinlich den besten komödiantischen Leistungen von [Ryan] Gosling und [Ruseell] Crowe bis heute (insbesondere Gosling ist mühelos brillant). Da es sich nicht zu ernst nimmt oder seine Geschichte zu ernst nimmt, muss ich nicht vollständig eingeschaltet sein, um es anzusehen, also funktioniert es für mich unabhängig von meiner Stimmung oder Energieniveau beim Reingehen. jcs100

North by Northwest

Perfekte Kombination aus Drama, Romantik, Komödie, Thriller, sieht schön aus, knackige Dialoge, fabelhafte Leistungen, großartige Set-Piece-Sequenzen … Alles so perfekt abgestimmt, egal wie kurz oder unbedeutend ein Moment ist (siehe zum Beispiel die kurze Szene, in der Thornhill aus dem Krankenhaus durch das Zimmer einer jungen Frau entkommt!). Und Hitchcocks urkomischer, überhaupt nicht subtiler, Peniswitz im abschließenden Bild des Films wird immer ein Lächeln hinterlassen. natjim