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Zwillinge! Rivalen! Klone! Hollywood setzt auf doppelte Rollen | Film

Historically, dual roles in film have often been played for comedic effect. Think of Adam Sandler in Jack and Jill or Eddie Murphy as the Klumps in Nutty Professor II. However, there is a new wave of more dramatic dual performances emerging in cinema this year. Robert De Niro, Michael B Jordan, and Robert Pattinson are all taking on double roles in various upcoming films.

This increase in dual roles is made possible by advancements in technology and visual effects. Techniques such as split-screening and motion control have been used for years, with recent innovations like the VistaGlide camera dolly system providing even more possibilities. Digital effects and AI-driven deepfakes have also played a role in creating seamless dual performances.

Despite these technological advancements, the success of a dual role still relies heavily on collaboration between on-set preparation and post-production work. Consistent lighting, precise framing, and talented stand-ins are essential for creating a convincing final product. The rise in dual roles on both the big and small screens demonstrates the ongoing evolution of the art form and the creative challenges that actors and filmmakers are willing to embrace.

Durch die fortgesetzte Vermischung von neuen und alten Techniken sind Zuschauer nicht nur garantiert immer mehr umwerfende Leistungen, sondern das gesamte Konzept der Doppelrolle bleibt auch seiner von Natur aus patchworkartigen Natur treu.

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