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Title Rewrite: Keine Sorge um Rückenschmerzen: Wie Rock-Schlagzeuger mit wilden Sets in ihren 70ern umgehen | Pop und Rock

At 69 years old, Rat Scabies is not the same man who burst onto the scene as the energetic drummer of the Damned in 1976. He now faces health challenges, including Viking disease, arthritis, and lumps in his hand, which make touring painful. Despite this, he continues to tour, acknowledging the frustrations of aging in a physically demanding profession like drumming.

Drummers like Nicko McBrain and Ian Paice also face unique challenges as they age, with health issues affecting their ability to perform. Some, like Max Weinberg and Roger Earl, continue to tour well into their 70s, while others, like Charlie Watts, eventually retire from the road.

These veteran drummers have learned to adapt their playing styles as they age, focusing on technique over power and moderation over frenetic energy. They also prioritize their health and fitness to keep up with the demands of touring. Despite the challenges, they find ways to continue doing what they love, even if it means making adjustments to their performance styles. Ich freue mich jetzt schon auf die langsameren!

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