Von der Leugnung des Klimawandels über gotische Filme bis zur „Behandlungskultur“ … Was erwartet uns 2025 | Kunst

Foreign affairs

It is impossible to predict what Donald Trump’s second term as US president will look like. Trump’s indecisiveness on various issues makes it difficult to anticipate his actions. While he talks a good game and secured re-election, his policy decisions often seem to be influenced by the last person he spoke to. Will he go through with extreme measures like mobilizing the military for mass deportations, targeting political enemies, or imposing tariffs on imports? Or will he opt for a more cautious approach, using these threats as negotiating tactics? Only time will tell.

In Ukraine, negotiations to end the war with Russia may begin, possibly involving territorial concessions. Tensions between Russia and the West could escalate, potentially leading to a wider European conflict. The situation in Gaza and the Palestinian territories may worsen, with potential annexations and displacements. The year ahead is filled with uncertainties and challenges in various global hotspots.


The tech industry is poised for significant developments in the coming year. The AI bubble, tech-politics integration, and regulatory challenges are expected to shape the tech landscape. Cryptocurrencies may face less government oversight, leading to societal impacts. Global Britain may play a limited role in these tech transformations.


Food trends in 2025 will reflect the broader extremes of the year. From an abundance of options to the rise of AI-generated recommendations, food consumption will be influenced by technology and social media. Restaurants may become more expensive and harder to access, while food preferences continue to evolve in response to societal and economic factors.

„We are moving towards the era of the £10 pint in a terrifying manner. Everything will soon be fermented, raw, biodynamic, locally sourced, artisanal, vegan, and three other new trends that will define our identities, only to become outdated shortly after. Consumers will be more informed than ever, yet constantly anxious about falling behind on the latest fad.

Certain things, however, will remain unchanged. Tradition still holds significance in London’s restaurants. Neil the dessert waiter will continue his charming antics at Oslo Court, Brasserie Zédel will continue to offer great value, and Wong Kei in Chinatown will uphold its reputation as a cash-only establishment.

In the realm of culture, a retrospective of Leigh Bowery will be showcased at Tate Modern, while Jenny Saville’s unconventional portraits will be featured at the National Portrait Gallery. Additionally, a major exhibition on Marie Antoinette at the V&A will explore the allure of excess.

In the world of sports, England’s women football team will aim to defend their European title in Switzerland, while the Rugby World Cup takes place in England. The controversial Club World Championships will also be held in the US, despite opposition from European clubs.

Looking ahead, 2025 is predicted to usher in the „era of wearables“ in the realm of sports, with Apple and Garmin watches becoming increasingly popular for recording exercise data.“ IMG predicts that more people will start wearing augmented reality glasses like Meta’s Orion AR, Apple Vision Pro, and Snap’s SPS spectacles to watch and engage in sports. They believe that wearable tech will soon compete with phones for our attention, allowing users to easily connect to music, fitness stats, or the internet with just a glance.

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In the film industry, concrete plays a significant role in some of the most intriguing films of 2025. From documentaries to gothic horror classics, there is a diverse range of films to look forward to. Additionally, animated features will tackle adult themes, including climate change, depression, and hoarding.

In terms of money matters, UK consumers can expect higher prices in 2025 due to inflation and policy changes, including increased employer national insurance contributions. However, some consumers may receive cash windfalls, potentially impacting spending on housing, travel, or debt repayment. The housing market may experience fluctuations, with an increase in property sales followed by a period of weakness.

Overall, 2025 promises to be an eventful year with technological advancements, diverse film offerings, and financial implications for consumers. Photograph by Simon Emmett

Similar to Taylor Swift’s performances, we can anticipate a surge of news reports speculating on the massive spending spree that the upcoming Oasis reunion concerts next summer are expected to bring. The reunited Gallagher brothers are scheduled to play 17 sold-out shows in UK stadiums and parks from July 4 to September 28 (additional dates may be added), resulting in a significant amount of spending on beverages, clothing, and merchandise, in addition to expenses on food, travel, and accommodations. One economic analysis has projected that each fan will spend £406, potentially boosting the economy by nearly £500 million. – Rupert Jones


Prepare for a flurry of concerning environmental news as the climate-denying businessman, Trump, returns to the White House in January. It is likely that Trump will commence his administration by reversing many of the nature protections and renewable energy incentives put in place during the Biden years, particularly the ambitious Inflation Reduction Act – the most extensive US climate plan in history.

The fossil fuel executive Chris Wright rings a ceremonial bell at the New York Stock Exchange. Photograph: Lucas Jackson/Reuters

On a global scale, the impact of Trump withdrawing the US from the Paris climate agreement will be significant. Trump’s appointments, including Chris Wright as energy secretary and Lee Zeldin as head of the Environmental Protection Agency, are expected to advance an „America First“ agenda, dismantling regulations that impede fossil fuel and extractive industries. This time around, they will face fewer legal and legislative obstacles as the Republican party controls both houses and Trump-appointed officials dominate the supreme court.

While renewable energy may withstand these changes due to the declining prices of wind and solar energy compared to traditional sources, the effects will be felt on nature, people in the global south, and international efforts to combat the climate crisis. Right-wing political parties worldwide are likely to intensify their opposition to net zero targets.

Despite political denials, the reality of the climate crisis will worsen as long as emissions continue to rise.

Waves crash over the lighthouse in Newhaven, England, on December 18, 2024. Photograph: Dan Kitwood/Getty Images

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Anticipate another year of extreme weather events, including severe droughts, fires, floods, and storms. This is expected to be most pronounced during the northern hemisphere summer. Following two years of record global heat, the projected return of cooling La Niña conditions may not provide relief due to the disruptiveness of human activities on the climate. Another record hot year in 2025 would be a troubling indicator, pushing fragile ecosystems like polar ice sheets and the Amazon rainforest closer to a disastrous tipping point.

The world’s focus will be on Belém, Brazil, in November, where the first UN climate summit in the Amazon – Cop30 – will take place. Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has described this conference as „our last chance to avoid an irreversible collapse of the climate system.“

This summit should lead to updated national climate plans from countries worldwide to address the escalating severity of the situation. However, uncertainties about future US involvement, Argentina’s president’s hostility to the process, and Brazil’s internal contradictions regarding nature and climate may cast a shadow over the event.

Belém faces logistical challenges accommodating the tens of thousands of Cop visitors and maintaining global climate governance amid strains. – Jonathan Watts


After a landslide victory and Labour’s return to power in 2024, 2025 must demonstrate signs of national recovery as the party justifies its governance.

Keir Starmer and Labour can weather unpopularity and initial missteps at this point in the political cycle, much like Tony Blair did after his election in 1997. However, ongoing negative perceptions of the party must be addressed promptly.

The economic growth-centric approach taken by Labour in the election campaign, promising the highest growth in the G7 by the end of the term, is now under scrutiny. The recent budget, which raised national insurance for employers, has stifled growth, prompting plans for economic revitalization.

Increased investment in public services is imperative for improvement, but a faltering economy may limit available funds for necessary areas. – Reform UK leader Nigel Farage at the party conference on September 20, 2024. Photograph: Hollie Adams/Reuters

Challenges lie ahead, including the potential for a global trade war under Trump’s return, threatening UK imports with high tariffs. The UK’s position outside the EU’s single market and customs union leaves it vulnerable to economic instability. Im Jahr 2025 werden Vorbereitungen für eine Neuverhandlung des Handels- und Kooperationsabkommens (TCA) nach dem Brexit mit der EU im Jahr 2026 getroffen. Aber Brüssel ist nicht begeistert von großen Veränderungen, und die Regierung von Starmer möchte kein zu offenes pro-EU-Standpunkt riskieren, der Nigel Farage und Reform UK stärken oder Kemi Badenochs Chancen erhöhen könnte, sich fester als Tory-Parteiführerin zu etablieren. Der einzige Schritt, der einen großen Unterschied machen würde – der Wiedereintritt des Vereinigten Königreichs in den EU-Binnenmarkt – wird nicht in der ersten Amtszeit der Labour-Partei stattfinden. In vielerlei Hinsicht stehen die wirtschaftlichen und politischen Anforderungen der Regierung im Widerspruch, während Reform UK in den Umfragen steigt.

Im Ausland muss das Vereinigte Königreich einen schwierigen Kurs mit Trumps Washington, der EU und China einschlagen und Fortschritte erzielen – um den Einfluss des Vereinigten Königreichs zu zeigen – bei unüberwindlichen Konflikten im Nahen Osten und in der Ukraine.

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Für die Regierung von Starmer zu Hause ist der Weg nicht einfach zu erkennen. Sie benötigt sichtbare Erfolge in der Wirtschaft und auch in der Einwanderung.

Die Vorsitzende des Unterhauses, Lucy Powell, sagt, dass ein volles Gesetzgebungsprogramm zeigen wird, dass ein breiter gesellschaftlicher Wandel bereits im Gange ist. Ein Planungs- und Infrastrukturgesetz im Jahr 2025 wird Beschränkungen beseitigen, die den Bau neuer Häuser verhindern und die Wirtschaft ersticken. Ein Gesetz zur Kriminalität und Polizei sowie ein Gesetz zur Grenzsicherheit, Asyl und Einwanderung werden sich mit unsozialem Verhalten und Menschenschmuggel befassen. Die Rekommunalisierung von Zugverbindungen wird ebenso voranschreiten wie die Reform der Arbeitnehmerrechte. Kostenlose Frühstücksclubs werden in jeder staatlichen Grundschule eingeführt.

Aber bei einem schwachen Wachstum wird sich die Verbesserung der Lebensstandards wahrscheinlich bestenfalls inkrementell anfühlen. Die beste Hoffnung der Labour-Partei besteht darin zu zeigen, dass sie einen annähernd kohärenten Plan hat und dass sie vielleicht kompetent genug ist, ihn umzusetzen. Toby Helm


Mittlerweile sind Sie vielleicht mit dem sogenannten „Verwöhnkultur“ vertraut. Ein Blumenstrauß am Dienstag, eine luxuriöse Hautmaske für das Wochenende – sich etwas völlig Unnötiges, aber Niedliches zu gönnen, weil Sie es vielleicht verdienen.

Dies wächst neben dem „Funken“. Einfach ausgedrückt handelt es sich um das Gegenteil eines „Auslösers“ – kleine Momente der Freude, die sich positiv auf Ihre geistige Gesundheit auswirken (der Geruch von frischem Brot, das Gefühl, wie Ihre Katze an einem kalten Abend auf Ihren Füßen liegt). Und das Beste daran ist, dass die besten Funken nichts kosten.

Die coolen Kids jagen auf eBay nach Vintage Stone Island und CP Company, während die Reichen Monclers ultratechnische Creme-Version wollen, aber egal, in welche Richtung Ihr Einkommen tendiert, es steht außer Frage, dass der Parka in diesem Jahr eine enorme kulturelle Renaissance durchlebt hat. Dies liegt zum Teil an der Rückkehr von Oasis und zum Teil daran, dass die High Fashion – insbesondere Burberry, Rabanne und Filippa K – so geschickt darin geworden ist, etwas Praktisches und Warmes als schick auf dem roten Teppich neu zu positionieren. Chioma Nnadi, Leiterin der britischen Vogue, trug kürzlich ihren Loewe-Parka über einem Simone Rocha-Kleid bei einer schicken Vogue-Veranstaltung.

Die Beziehung zwischen Mode und Büchern wird im Jahr 2025 weiter wachsen. Der Designer Marc Jacobs postet „Lesestunde“-Selfies auf Instagram, Bottega Venetas Matthieu Blazy hat in diesem Monat eine Kollektion inspiriert von Richard Scarrys wegweisendem Kinderbuch „Das größte Wörterbuch aller Zeiten“ aus Intrecciato-Leder kreiert, und der deutsche Designer Daniel Del Core gab seinen Models eine Kopie von Mary Shelleys Frankenstein, um sie auf dem Laufsteg für Frühjahr 2025 zu tragen. In diesem Jahr eröffnete Saint Laurent eine Buchhandlung in Paris, während Alaïa ein Londoner Café eröffnete, betrieben von der königlichen Kuchenbäckerin Violet Cakes in Partnerschaft mit der Kult-Buchhändlerin Claire de Rouen. Jetzt können Sie gut gekleidet und belesen sein. Morwenna Ferrier