Wie Lexus‘ kleinste Modell bisher immer noch ‚großes Auto-Energie‘ vermittelt.

Wie Lexus‘ kleinste Modell bisher immer noch ‚großes Auto-Energie‘ vermittelt.

As someone who started with a mint green Fiat 500 as their first car, I’ve always desired the confidence of driving a bigger car, but living in a city with narrow roads and lacking a driveway makes it challenging. However, learning about Lexus‘ LBX model tailored for the UK and European markets seemed like the … Weiterlesen

Wie Lexuses kleinste Modell bisher immer noch ‚großes Auto-Energie‘ verbreitet

Wie Lexus‘ kleinste Modell bisher immer noch ‚großes Auto-Energie‘ vermittelt.

As someone who started driving with a mint green Fiat 500, I’ve always wanted to feel the confidence of driving a larger car on narrow city roads. When I discovered the Lexus LBX model, designed for the UK and European markets, I thought it could be the perfect solution. The LBX is the smallest Lexus … Weiterlesen