Ein Mord, der Britisch-Indien erschütterte und einen König stürzte

Ein Mord, der Britisch-Indien erschütterte und einen König stürzte

Alamy: Abdul Kadir Bawla, one of Bombay’s wealthiest men, was murdered in a sensational case that captivated the city and the world. The murder, which took place a hundred years ago on 12 January 1925, involved a group of men attacking Bawla and his companion, Mumtaz Begum, in an affluent suburb of Bombay. The murder … Weiterlesen

Wie Israels „Operation Grim Beeper“ die globalen Spionagechefs erschütterte.

Wie Israels „Operation Grim Beeper“ die globalen Spionagechefs erschütterte.

While opinions may differ on the morality and legality of the pager attack, one thing is clear: the operation has sparked a new era of concern among security officials worldwide. The use of everyday electronic devices as weapons has opened up a new frontier in espionage and sabotage. As western intelligence agencies grapple with the … Weiterlesen