Tausende kostenlose Bücher wurden der NSPCC dieses Weihnachten geschenkt.

Tausende kostenlose Bücher wurden der NSPCC dieses Weihnachten geschenkt.

Titles include Mirror Baby: Hello You!, Can You Say It Too? Woof! Woof!, und Welsh English bilingual editions of Finger Wiggle Book: Look at Me. Helen Westerman, Head of Local Campaigns for the NSPCC, said that reading helped boost children’s creativity; reading with young children helped build bonds; and the NSPCC’s Childline service had heard … Weiterlesen

Künstliche Intelligenz hat uns einen neuen Volkskünstler geschenkt

Künstliche Intelligenz hat uns einen neuen Volkskünstler geschenkt

Many people aspire to be creators. A report by YouTube, SmithGeiger, and the Fandom Institute found that 65 percent of teenagers and young adults aged 14 to 24 now consider themselves creators. However, the future of creators is uncertain due to the rise of AI-generated content challenging their role in our competitive attention landscape. With … Weiterlesen