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Neuauflage des Titels und Übersetzung ins Deutsche: Somalische Piraterie 2.0 – Die BBC trifft die neuen Räuber der hohen See

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Neuauflage des Titels und Übersetzung ins Deutsche: Somalische Piraterie 2.0 – Die BBC trifft die neuen Räuber der hohen See

Two Somali fishermen wearing large scarves to conceal their identities cautiously enter the room for a clandestine meeting. They reveal their reasons for turning to piracy, seeking million-dollar ransoms. One of them nervously gives permission to record the interview, which was arranged after months of effort in the coastal town of Eyl. This behavior is … Weiterlesen

UniCredit’s Weg vom ausländischen Räuber zum Inlands-Konsolidierer

UniCredit’s Weg vom ausländischen Räuber zum Inlands-Konsolidierer

“We are patient investors, we can wait,” he said. “We have the financial strength and the human capital to manage more than one situation at a time.” For now, all eyes are on BPM’s board meeting on Tuesday, where directors will have to decide whether to engage with UniCredit’s offer or pursue their standalone strategy. … Weiterlesen