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Neu formuliert: Gisèle Pelicot beseitigt alle Spuren ihres Ehemanns im Massenvergewaltigungsprozess in Frankreich.

Gisèle Pelicot no longer has any family photos with her husband. It was November 2011, and she found herself sleeping excessively. Despite working hard during the week as a supply chain manager, her weekends were spent mostly in slumber, which frustrated her as her time off was precious. She struggled to stay awake, often falling asleep without realizing it and waking up hours later with no memory of going to bed. However, at 58 years old, Gisèle was content with her husband of 38 years, Dominique, by her side. Their children were grown, and they were planning to retire and move to Mazan, a village in Provence, where they could enjoy their golden years together. Despite facing challenges in their relationship over the years, they had always managed to overcome them.

Years later, Gisèle found herself in a courtroom in Avignon with her husband, who was being accused of aggravated rape, a crime that shocked many who knew him. Back in 2011, as Gisèle was looking forward to retirement in Mazan, she had no idea that her husband had been spending time on the internet engaging in illicit activities, triggered by childhood trauma. This led him to drug her and commit unspeakable acts while she was unconscious, a nightmare she was unaware of until later.

As the abuse continued, Gisèle’s health deteriorated, causing concern among her family. Despite some moments of suspicion, she mostly trusted her husband to care for her during her health struggles. However, a visit to the police station changed everything, revealing the horrifying truth of what had been happening to her while she slept. AFP reported that she experienced gynaecological issues and underwent various neurological tests to determine the cause of her symptoms, which included fatigue and blackouts. Despite her concerns about Alzheimer’s or a brain tumour, the results did not provide an explanation.

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During the trial, Dominique’s brother Joel, a doctor, questioned why medical professionals had not connected the dots earlier and recognized that Gisèle was a victim of drug-facilitated rape. He pointed out that in the medical field, findings are often limited to what is being searched for based on existing knowledge.

Gisèle only found relief when she was away from Mazan, a fact she had not paid much attention to before. The revelation of her husband’s crimes shattered her world, especially when she discovered videos and photos of herself being raped by him and others on his devices.

The investigation team was able to identify numerous men involved in the videos, with some confessing to drugging their partners as well. The realization that there were potentially more victims of such crimes was particularly distressing for the investigators.

The shocking truth came to light when Gisèle was shown explicit images by the police, leading to a devastating realization about her husband’s actions. Her life was turned upside down, and she had to break the news to her children, who subsequently cleared out their home in Mazan.

As the trial unfolded, Gisèle made the bold decision to waive her anonymity and allow the proceedings to be publicized. She wanted to raise awareness about drug-facilitated rape and ensure that other women do not suffer the same fate. Her courage in facing the ordeal head-on earned her admiration from those following the case.

Despite the trauma she endured, Gisèle showed remarkable resilience and strength in the aftermath of her husband’s arrest. She acknowledged the challenges ahead in rebuilding her life but remained determined to overcome the ordeal. The finalization of her divorce from Dominique marked a new chapter in her journey, as she reclaimed her maiden name and looked towards a future of healing and recovery. AFP Sie ging unter dem Namen Pelicot für den Prozess, damit ihre Enkelkinder „stolz“ darauf sein konnten, mit ihr verwandt zu sein und nicht beschämt darüber zu sein, mit Dominique in Verbindung gebracht zu werden.

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Seitdem ist sie in ein Dorf weit entfernt von Mazan gezogen. Sie sieht einen Psychiater, nimmt aber keine Medikamente, weil sie keine Substanz mehr zu sich nehmen möchte. Sie macht weiterhin lange Spaziergänge, ist aber nicht mehr müde.

In den ersten Tagen des Prozesses trat Carolines Ehemann Pierre in den Zeugenstand.

Ein Verteidiger fragte ihn nach den Jahren in Mazan, als Gisèle unter Gedächtnisverlust litt und ihr Mann sie pflichtbewusst zu ergebnislosen Arztterminen begleitete. Wie konnte die Familie nicht bemerkt haben, was passierte?

Pierre schüttelte den Kopf.

„Sie vergessen etwas,“ sagte er. „Man kann das Unvorstellbare nicht vorstellen.“