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In den verlassenen Häusern von Assads Vollstreckern

Jamil Hassan, a feared man in Bashar al-Assad’s Syrian regime known for torture and killing civilians, was visibly shaken as he descended the stairs of his apartment building. Accompanied by his family and a few security guards, they quickly left with just a few suitcases. A neighbor and her son watched as they fled, believing it signaled Assad’s downfall.

Days later, signs of their abrupt departure were evident in the apartment – half-eaten carrot cake, clothes scattered on beds, and wilted flowers. A framed photo of Hassan and Assad hung on the wall with a message declaring their control of the skies. Known as „the butcher“ by locals, Hassan led the Air Force Intelligence and oversaw brutal detention facilities like Mezzeh Prison.

Now wanted internationally for war crimes, Hassan and other regime figures have fled their affluent homes in Damascus, leaving behind a sense of fear and relief among the residents. Rebels, led by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, have taken over Hassan’s apartment, vowing to hunt down the fleeing officials.

Neighbors recall a menacing figure always surrounded by guards, with a strict security presence in the area. Hassan’s guards were known to threaten residents, even forcing one family to give away their pet dog. Despite his power, locals are relieved by his departure, while also cautious of potential repercussions.

With Hassan’s departure, the neighborhood is slowly returning to normal, shedding the oppressive atmosphere that once dominated the area. Residents are hopeful for a new beginning, free from the fear and tyranny of their former neighbor. BBC „No one thought this would ever occur.“

Firearms on couches and secret swimming pools

Hussam Luka, head of the General Security Directorate (GSD), was not as well-known among locals but had a residence beneath Hassan.

His reputation for being „ruthless and charismatic“ led to him being called „the spider“ – and he is under sanctions in the EU, US, and UK.

According to a UK sanctions list, he was accused of „torturing opponents in custody“, while the US Treasury Department claims he „allegedly carried out several massacres“ while working in Homs.

The White House has stated that he is among a select few officials who may have information about the missing American journalist Austin Tice.

At his residence on Monday, rebels were disassembling furniture to store it. They mentioned that they arrived after looters had already taken many valuable items.

Hussam Luka (left) and Assad

A photo of Luka and Assad remained, printed in various sizes and styles, alongside documents from security and intelligence events, as well as ceremonial medals and certificates from the foreign spy service in Russia – where the deposed Syrian leader Assad has sought refuge.

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One certificate naming Luka reads, „This award is presented to the coordinator of the mukhabarat [intelligence service] organ in the southern provinces of the Syrian Arab Republic.“ „You demonstrated the utmost professionalism and exerted significant effort in fulfilling the duties entrusted to you for the benefit of the Syrian people.“

As rebels clear out the apartment, a neighbor enters to see what’s going on.

When asked about the regime official, she responds, „We mind our own business, they mind theirs. No one in this building interacts with each other.“ She walks away.

In other affluent areas, more homes have been deserted. Refrigerators are stocked, wardrobes are full, and in some cases, travel documents have been left behind.

The rebels who have taken over these homes are using them as bases and claim to be preventing further looting.

In one lavish apartment, men are sleeping on blankets on marble floors under large chandeliers and cooking on a camp stove in the modern kitchen. Guns are leaned against plush sofas and armchairs.

„We don’t require any of this,“ a rebel remarks, gesturing around the room.

In another apartment, a child peeks through the curtain of a sprawling ground-floor residence with an outdoor swimming pool. A large family claims to be occupying the space.

Perhaps the most magnificent residence in the area is the modern subterranean dwelling of one of the country’s most renowned businessmen – Khodr Taher Bin Ali, also known as Abu Ali Khodr.

Bin Ali has been sanctioned by the US, UK, and EU for his involvement in supporting and benefiting from the Syrian regime.

His home features an elevator, a full-size gym, an indoor swimming pool, jacuzzi, sauna, and an industrial kitchen.

Two golden safes designed to hold watches in the master bedroom

A family photo of Khodr Taher Bin Ali that was left in his house

In the master bedroom, there are two golden safes, with space for dozens of watches – in a drawer there is a forgotten warranty card for luxury brand Audemars Piguet. A gun case and jewellery boxes in the wardrobe are empty.

The children’s ensuite bedrooms still have toys and a Louis Vuitton handbag on the floor, and homework and school reports are in the cupboards. A Quran rests on a countertop with the words „A gift from President Bashar al-Assad“ inscribed on the side.

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Next to Bin Ali’s residence is the home of Ali Mamlouk, one of Assad’s closest associates and one of the most senior and infamous members of the regime. He was dubbed „black box“ due to his control over sensitive information.

This year, he was convicted of war crimes alongside Hassan by French judges and is also wanted in Lebanon for two bombings in 2012 in Tripoli that resulted in numerous casualties.

Like Luka, the White House suspects that Mamlouk is among the few who may possess information about Tice.

His residence is securely locked, and rebels are hesitant to allow entry.

Outside the guard booth, there are notes on visitors to the property prior to Assad’s downfall – individuals delivering chocolates, water, vegetables, and coming to repair the electricity.

„No one could see, no one could walk, no one could pass by this area. It’s actually the first time I’m seeing this place from up close,“ says 17-year-old Mo Rasmi Taftaf, whose family owns a house nearby.

„Whenever he came in or out, guards would cut off the roads,“ a neighbor remarks.

Rebels are now occupying the abandoned apartments

A gun placed on a chair at another of the apartments the BBC saw inside

Shouting down from a second-floor balcony, another points towards Mamlouk’s large residence when asked about the wanted regime figure.

„It felt like there was a strange atmosphere on the street the night before news broke that Assad had fled,“ he mentions, without further explanation.

„His security was here at the time, but I saw them leave on Sunday morning – a lot of cars. Ali Mamlouk wasn’t here,“ he adds before going back inside.

Another man, who chooses not to disclose his name, expresses his reluctance to discuss the regime figures.

„I just want to live peacefully. I don’t want to delve into all these crimes – it would result in a lot of bloodshed.“

Pursuing the Assad men

Many, however, seek justice.

The leader of HTS has vowed to track down the senior regime figures in Syria and has requested other countries to extradite those who fled. BBC Diejenigen, die anderswo gesucht werden, haben begrenzte Orte, um sich zu verstecken.

Die Männer zu finden wird eine Herausforderung sein.

„Während es keine bestätigten Informationen über den aktuellen Aufenthaltsort von hochrangigen Regimefiguren wie Jamil Hassan, Ali Mamlouk und anderen gibt, gibt es Bedenken, dass solche Personen von politischen Deals profitieren könnten, die es ihnen ermöglichen, der Justiz zu entkommen“, sagt das Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of Expression (SCM) der BBC.

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„Einige haben wahrscheinlich Zuflucht in verbündeten Ländern gesucht, was zukünftige Auslieferungsbemühungen kompliziert, während andere möglicherweise immer noch in Syrien leben, sich diskret verhaltend.“

Auf Hassans Straße spekulieren Nachbarn über den Verbleib des verschwundenen Kriegsverbrechers.

Seine Familie hinterließ wenige Hinweise in der Wohnung. Aber im Büro befindet sich ein Zertifikat für Hassans Tochter, unterzeichnet von Hassan Nasrallah, dem verstorbenen Führer der in Libanon ansässigen schiitischen militanten Gruppe Hezbollah, der ihr für ihre „Hilfe und Unterstützung für diesen ehrenhaften Widerstand“ dankt.

Mehrere Nachbarn vermuten, dass er sich im Libanon versteckt oder dort durchgereist ist, während der örtliche Ladenbesitzer sagt, er glaube, Hassan sei an die Küste geflohen, vielleicht nach Latakia im Norden – dem Kernland der Minderheit der Alawiten, der Assad und viele seiner engsten Verbündeten angehören.

Inzwischen berichtet die libanesische Zeitung Nida al-Watan, dass Mamlouk von der Grenze geschmuggelt und in die libanesische Hauptstadt Beirut von der Hezbollah gebracht wurde – einem langjährigen Verbündeten der syrischen Ba’ath-Regierung.

Die Hezbollah hat keine Hilfe für Regimefiguren bestätigt, und die libanesische Regierung hat erklärt, dass keine syrischen Beamten, die von internationalen Haftbefehlen gesucht werden, befugt waren, über legale Grenzübergänge einzureisen. Die libanesischen Sicherheitsdienste sagen, dass Mamlouk nicht im Land ist.

Der syrisch-britische Rechtsanwalt Ibrahim Olabi sagt, dass Regierungsbeamte möglicherweise neue Identitäten und Pässe erhalten haben, da sie mächtige Personen waren, die von staatlichen Institutionen unterstützt wurden.

Wenn es um Gerechtigkeit geht, fügt er hinzu, ist ein Mangel an Beweisen nicht das Problem. Es geht mehr darum, sie zu finden und an einen Ort zu bringen, wo sie zur Rechenschaft gezogen werden können.

Das SCM sagt, dass dies „erhebliche Ressourcen, anhaltenden politischen Willen und internationale Zusammenarbeit“ erfordern wird.

Wenn dies nicht gelingt, wird dies eine „gefährliche Botschaft senden, dass Verbrechen, einschließlich Kriegsverbrechen und Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit, ungestraft bleiben können“, fügt es hinzu.

Ibrahim Olabi sagt, er hoffe, dass Gerechtigkeit geschehen wird.

„Es wird absolut eine Jagd sein“, sagt er, aber „die Welt ist heutzutage ein kleiner Ort durch soziale Medien, private Ermittler, politische Hebelwirkungen“.

Hassans Nachbarn, die bereit waren zu reden, sagen, sie hoffen, dass er eines Tages nach Syrien zurückgebracht wird, weit weg von ihrer Straße, um bestraft zu werden.