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House and Senate Republicans are at odds over the path forward for President-elect Trump’s tax agenda. Incoming Senate Majority Leader John Thune (R-S.D.) proposed a plan that prioritizes border security and energy production before tax reform, setting up two budget reconciliation packages to allow for passage with just 51 votes. However, Rep. Jason Smith (R-Mo.), chairman of the House Ways and Means committee, disagrees with delaying tax reform and is concerned about the challenges of moving two reconciliation packages. House Republicans will have a slim majority, and Smith questions the feasibility of passing both packages. He emphasizes the importance of tax reform, which was a key campaign promise for President Trump.

Other House Republicans also express their preference for focusing on the tax bill rather than delaying it. Rep. Lloyd Smucker (R-Penn.) believes that tax reform is crucial legislation and should be a top priority. However, some Republicans are seeking more clarity on Thune’s plan before making a decision.

The debate also includes discussions about individual provisions within the Trump tax cuts, which are set to expire in 2025. There are disagreements within the party regarding which provisions should be extended, including the state and local tax deduction cap and clean energy provisions. Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.) mentions the possibility of repealing certain provisions, such as the consumer credit for electric vehicles, and parts of the Biden administration’s infrastructure law.

Republicans are also grappling with the national deficit, which has reached around $36 trillion, with concerns about the impact of Trump’s proposed tax cuts on the deficit. Budget hawks within the party, such as Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas), emphasize the need to address deficit concerns and not assume that all tax cuts will pay for themselves.

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Budget reconciliation, which allows priority legislation to bypass a filibuster, is a key strategy for Republicans given their slim majority in the Senate. Both parties have used this tactic in the past, with preparations already underway for tax-focused reconciliation this year. Senate Republicans previously blocked a tax deal negotiated by Smith and Senate Finance Chairman Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) and are eyeing more comprehensive reforms in 2025. Democrats used reconciliation during the first half of the Biden administration to pass the American Rescue Plan, a $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package, in 2021. Und sie haben die gleiche Strategie angewendet, um das Inflationsreduktionsgesetz zu verabschieden, ein Schlüsselelement der Wirtschaftsagenda von Präsident Biden, im folgenden Jahr.

„Wir werden weiterhin nach dem gehen, was der Parlamentarier in diesem Gesetzespaket von ’21 erlaubt hat, was viele mehr Dinge ermöglicht hat, als wir 2017 tun konnten, also gibt es Präzedenzfälle“, sagte Scalise am Mittwoch.