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Republicans are feeling more confident about retaining control of the House, but some conservatives are still hesitant about supporting Mike Johnson in the upcoming leadership ballot. Despite Johnson’s ties to Donald Trump and campaigning efforts, there are discussions among House Republicans on how to express their concerns about Johnson’s bid for speaker. While Johnson is expected to secure the majority needed to become the nominee, conservatives may still field a candidate against him or signal their opposition in the secret ballot.

These conservatives are seeking concessions from Johnson on chamber rules and conservative wins in exchange for their support. They remember how former Speaker Kevin McCarthy had to make changes to appease conservatives two years ago. Some members are still undecided about supporting Johnson, citing concerns about past performance and the ability to deliver on promises.

If no other candidate challenges Johnson next week, a voice vote may be called, limiting conservative attempts to formally vote against him. Johnson’s advantages over McCarthy, including a possible Trump presidency and control of both chambers, could help him avoid a prolonged leadership battle. However, pockets of opposition remain, including vocal critics like Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Thomas Massie.

Both conservatives and centrists within the party are working to shape the next Congress by proposing rule changes and amendments. Centrists are pushing for rules requiring majority support from House Republicans to trigger a vote to oust a speaker, while some Republicans want Johnson to remove certain conservative members from the House Rules Committee. The upcoming government shutdown deadline on December 20 could be a significant test for Johnson before the January floor vote. Sie haben ihre Beiträge genutzt, um gelegentliche Kopfschmerzen für die Führung zu verursachen, wodurch Gesetzesvorlagen daran gehindert werden, aus dem Ausschuss herauszukommen, bis ihre Forderungen erfüllt sind.

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Johnson steht vor einer schwierigen Situation, da Konservative bereit sind, zu fordern, dass die drei Mitglieder ihre Plätze behalten.

„Ich möchte gerne im Regelgremium bleiben“, sagte Norman. „Ich mache einen guten Job.“
