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Warum einige Ghanaer in dem von Aufständen geplagten Burkina Faso kämpfen.

Three Ghanaians shared with the BBC their experiences in the conflict between Islamist insurgents and the military in Burkina Faso. They recounted witnessing brutal violence and deadly battles, with one man recalling seeing dozens, or even hundreds, of dead bodies after some battles.

These three individuals, all in their late thirties or early forties, revealed that they had engaged in fighting in Burkina Faso multiple times since 2018, crossing the porous border between the two countries without being detected. They explained that their motivation was to protect civilian communities to whom they had strong family and ethnic ties, rather than being driven by religious extremism or jihadist training.

Despite this, one of the men mentioned a sense of religious fervor, believing that dying while fighting alongside jihadists would lead to paradise. When questioned about involvement in civilian attacks, their responses varied, with one denying it and another admitting to it, citing retaliation against those who support the military.

All three men spoke anonymously to the BBC, sharing unverified claims supported by images of weapons, details of recent conflicts, and names of jihadist leaders in Burkina Faso. They were connected to the BBC through contacts at cattle markets in northern Ghana, where reports suggest jihadist groups are recruiting fighters.

While reports differ on the extent of jihadist recruitment in Ghana, the men asserted that individuals from various regions and ethnic backgrounds were joining the insurgency in Burkina Faso. Some were driven by religious motives, while others saw it as a profitable venture, benefiting from stolen livestock that were sold in northern Ghana.

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This trafficking of animals across the border reportedly serves as a significant income source for groups like JNIM, an al-Qaeda affiliate active in Burkina Faso, Niger, and Mali. The region has been labeled the epicenter of global jihadist violence by the UN, resulting in millions of displaced individuals and tens of thousands of casualties.

Despite Ghana largely avoiding direct impact from the insurgency, concerns have emerged over communal violence in northern regions, including the town of Bawku. This area has seen increased clashes between ethnic groups, raising fears that jihadists may exploit existing conflicts to further their agenda. „Leute benutzen AK47s, M16s, alle Arten von automatischen Gewehren“, sagte ein Bewohner der BBC.

Flüchtlinge aus Burkina Faso sind gekommen, um in Bawku Asyl zu suchen (Archivfoto) [AFP]

JNIM-Schmuggler werden beschuldigt, Waffen an beide Seiten zu verkaufen.

„Wir verstehen, dass sie Waffen liefern, die sie von der Armee in Burkina Faso genommen haben. Sie tun dies, indem sie sich auf die Lastwagen verlassen, die Zwiebeln nach Niger und zurück transportieren. Sie verstecken die Waffen in diesen Lastwagen“, sagte Tanko der BBC.

„Ein Geheimdienstoffizier bestätigte mir, dass dies die neue Art ist, wie sie Schusswaffen einführen. Und die ghanaische Sicherheit ist nicht in der Lage, diese Fahrzeuge zu erkennen, die durchkommen, was Ghana in eine sehr kritische Situation bringt“, fügte er hinzu.