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Republicans on Capitol Hill told The Hill on Thursday that Pete Hegseth’s nomination as secretary of Defense is likely to fail, despite Hegseth’s assertion that he is „not going anywhere.“ One Republican senator stated that there are seven or eight Republican votes against Hegseth, and that it is only a matter of time before his nomination is officially rejected. Another senator mentioned that President-elect Trump is not actively working to save Hegseth’s nomination and has even suggested Ron DeSantis as a potential replacement nominee for the position. Republican senators believe that DeSantis would easily win confirmation if nominated. However, some senators are hesitant to publicly call for Hegseth’s resignation due to fear of backlash from Trump’s supporters.

Hegseth has faced allegations of sexual assault and misconduct, including claims that he was frequently intoxicated while serving as president of Concerned Veterans of America. Despite denying any wrongdoing, Hegseth has promised to stop drinking if confirmed as Defense secretary. Some senators have called for a thorough vetting process before making a decision on Hegseth’s nomination. It is unclear whether there will be a vote on the nomination, as Hegseth’s accusers have not come forward publicly. The FBI will conduct a background check on Hegseth, and he has denied the sexual assault charge as well as the allegations of misconduct from his time at CVA. Es ist ein Lehrbuch hergestellte Medien Takedown,“ schrieb er in einem Wall Street Journal op-ed.

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