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Titel neu formuliert und übersetzt: „Dieses Weihnachten werde ich Pinguine zählen“

Have you thought about how you’ll be spending your Christmas? While many will be cozy on the sofa in front of a warm fire (or at least with the central heating on), spare a moment for the hundreds of people working in the Antarctic surrounded by penguins.

Thousands of miles away from home, employees of the Cambridge-based British Antarctic Survey (BAS) are celebrating the festive season at five research stations and on board the Harwich-based vessel, the RRS Sir David Attenborough.

Some of them have shared their Christmas plans, giving us a glimpse into how they’ll be spending the holiday.

‚Penguins – and a cheesy movie‘

Derren Fox, 52, a zoological field assistant at Signy Island Research Station, located on one of the remote South Orkney Islands, about 370 miles (600km) from the Antarctic Peninsula, will be spending Christmas in a unique way.

Originally from Cornwall, he now „lives on a yacht just about anywhere,“ he jokes.

„On Christmas Day, I’ll be heading over to Gourlay Peninsula on the south-east shores of the island to check on the chinstrap and Adelie penguin colonies for productivity,“ he explained.

„Afterwards, I’ll probably join some of the other station members for some sledging or snowman building before returning for a traditional Christmas meal prepared by our station leader. Then, most likely, I’ll fall asleep in front of a cheesy festive movie.“

Adelie penguins play a significant role in Antarctica [Getty Images]

‚Turkey and trimmings sorted‘

The responsibility of cooking a full Christmas dinner falls on Signy’s station leader, Sarah Clark.

The 42-year-old, who has moved around her whole life… Aber in den letzten sechs Jahren habe ich in Nordwales, in der Nähe von Beddgelert gelebt.

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