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Canadian tourists, like those seen participating in an exercise class, play a crucial role in supporting the Cuban tourism industry

As winter approaches in North America, Canadian „snowbirds“ – individuals who escape the cold temperatures for warmer destinations annually – are preparing for their trips to Florida or the Caribbean.

Traditionally, Cuba has been a popular choice among Canadians, attracted to the beautiful beaches of resorts such as Varadero.

They fill the void left by Americans who are hesitant to travel due to restrictions imposed by the ongoing US economic embargo on the Caribbean’s largest island.

Statistics reveal that nearly one million Canadian tourists visited Cuba last year, making Canada the top source of visitors by a significant margin.

However, a recent decision by leading Canadian tour operator Sunwings Vacations Group to remove 26 hotels from its Cuba portfolio has dealt a blow to the struggling tourism industry on the island.

Sunwings made this decision following a four-day nationwide blackout in Cuba at the end of October, caused by issues with the country’s aging energy infrastructure.

Subsequent power outages, including one caused by Hurricane Rafael, have exacerbated an already critical electricity crisis in Cuba.

“Cuba has experienced some instability in recent weeks, which may impact consumer confidence,” said Samantha Taylor, Sunwings‘ chief marketing officer, in an interview with the Pax News travel website.

She emphasized that while there are wonderful destinations in Cuba, they understand the need to provide alternatives to clients who may feel uneasy.

To address this, Sunwings has curated a list of „hidden gems“ – alternative vacation spots in the Dominican Republic, the Bahamas, and Colombia.

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Cuba has faced challenges from storms and heavy rainfall during this year’s hurricane season

The implications for Cuba are significant.

With tourism being the main economic driver and a key source of foreign currency after remittances, the shift of a major tour operator to other destinations due to energy infrastructure concerns is worrisome.

Lessner Gómez, director of the Cuban Tourism Board in Toronto, emphasized the importance of tourism to the economy and assured that efforts are being made to enhance services, supplies, airport experiences, and transportation for the upcoming winter season.

While the Cuban tourism agency tries to allay fears about the extent of power outages, it is undeniable that these have been challenging months for the island, compounded by severe weather and other complications.

The future of US-Cuba relations remains uncertain, with concerns about potential further sanctions and restrictions under a re-elected Donald Trump and Secretary of State Marco Rubio.

Cubans fear that increased pressure from the US could severely impact their tourism industry, which has already seen a significant decline in visitor numbers since the Obama-era détente with Cuba.

Zuerst hat die Trump-Regierung die politischen Maßnahmen von Präsident Obama zurückgefahren, und dann hat die Covid-19-Pandemie die Branche in den freien Fall geschickt.

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Marco Rubio, Trumps Wahl für den Außenminister, ist ein scharfer Kritiker des kubanischen Regimes

Mit vielen dieser Hotels, die jetzt viel niedrigere Belegungsraten verzeichnen als ursprünglich vorhergesagt, und echten Schwierigkeiten, das Fünf-Sterne-Kundenerlebnis wie beworben inmitten von Stromausfällen und Engpässen zu bieten, stellen einige die Strategie in Frage, so viele Eier in den Tourismuskorb zu legen.

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„Warum hat Kuba durchschnittlich 38% [der Regierungsfonds] in den letzten zehn Jahren in Hotels und Infrastruktur investiert, die mit internationalem Tourismus verbunden sind, aber nur 8 bis 9% in die Energieinfrastruktur?“ fragt der Ökonom Ricardo Torres an der American University in Washington DC. „Es ergibt keinen Sinn. Die Hotels funktionieren mit Strom.“

Auch mit all den aktuellen Herausforderungen sind sich die meisten Besucher einig, dass Kuba nach wie vor eine einzigartige Reiseerfahrung bietet. Die Klischees – Oldtimer, Zigarren und Mojitos – sprechen viele immer noch an, während andere die Insel bereisen und ihre Geschichte, Kultur und Musik aufsaugen.

Doch wie die Entscheidung des Reiseveranstalters Sunwings zeigt, finden einige Touristen es schwierig, Kuba während seiner Energiekrise zu schätzen, vor allem, wenn sie durch eine feindliche Regierung – und einen Außenminister – in Washington verschärft wird.