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„Die BBC untersucht Vorwürfe eines Massakers“

Orla Guerin reporting from Goma for BBC News shares the tragic story of rapper Freddy Mukuza, who was killed while moving house. His final moments were witnessed by a friend, who was unable to help due to the presence of M23 rebels. Despite efforts to save him, Freddy passed away at the scene. The M23 rebels, who are accused of carrying out a mass killing in the neighborhood, prevented anyone from approaching until after Freddy had died. The rebels, backed by neighboring Rwanda, target areas like Kasika due to their strategic importance. Freddy, a civilian and father of two, was known for his activism and music that highlighted the challenges faced by the people of the Democratic Republic of Congo. His tragic death has left his friend Justin living in fear and silence, as the M23 continues to exert control with impunity. Justin hopes that by sharing Freddy’s story, the world will understand the harsh reality of life under the M23. Orla Guerin reports that it is unclear if any of the deceased individuals were soldiers. None of them were wearing uniforms or carrying weapons. In the background, screams and shouts can be heard as a woman repeatedly mentions that there are 10 attackers while moving among the bodies. The woman expresses fear that they will all be killed, noting that the victims were young people, including a boy named Junior who worked as a house builder.

The video footage of the incident, which took place in Kasika, has been confirmed as authentic by sources who visited the site after the bodies were removed. Two sources reported that the youngest victim was a 13-14 year old boy who was taken away by force despite being inside his home with his sisters.

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Another victim was a young woman who was selling milk on the streets, as well as a street vendor in his twenties who was selling airtime and doughnuts. Witnesses revealed that the rebels did not discriminate in their killings, targeting anyone present or attempting to flee.

Despite the ongoing terror and silence in Goma following the capture by the M23 rebels, some residents have shared their harrowing experiences. One man, Denis Baeni, who was a primary school teacher, was among the victims in Kasika. He tried to prove his civilian status by showing his ID card, but was still taken by the rebels and executed along with others.

As families in Kasika mourn their losses in silence, the M23 rebels continue their advance through eastern DR Congo, with threats to reach the capital, Kinshasa. The rebels claim to be fighting for the rights of minority Tutsis, but human rights groups have documented numerous abuses committed by the group, including attacks on civilians, rape, and executions. Orla Guerin Er führt eine Koalition von politischen Parteien und Milizen an – die Congo River Alliance – zu der auch die M23 gehört.“

„Ich habe die Berichte nicht gesehen“, sagte er. „Ich kann nicht auf den Bericht antworten, den ich nicht gelesen habe.“ Er sagte auch, dass er sich keine Sorgen über die Vorwürfe mache.

Auf die Frage, warum er die Berichte nicht gelesen habe, antwortete er: „Gib mir einen, dann werde ich ihn lesen.“

Nangaa, ein ehemaliger Leiter der Wahlkommission der DR Kongo, wechselt zwischen Kampfanzügen und schicken Anzügen.

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Er wird als das unbewaffnete und ungefährliche Gesicht der Rebellen präsentiert, aber die kongolesische Regierung bietet eine Belohnung von 5 Millionen US-Dollar (£4 Millionen) für Informationen, die zu seiner Festnahme führen.

Die Rebellen sind nicht allein in ihrer Geschichte der Brutalität. Das gilt auch für die kongolesische Armee und viele andere bewaffnete Gruppen im Osten der DR Kongo.

Aber die M23 sind jetzt die einzige Autorität in Teilen des Ostens, und Millionen von Kongolesen sind ihrem Gnaden ausgeliefert.

Als wir mit einem Bewohner von Kasika sprachen, rief ihn seine Frau an und bat ihn, schnell zu kommen, um ihren achtjährigen Sohn von der Schule abzuholen.

Die Panik breitete sich aus, weil Berichte besagten, dass die M23 Kinder aus ihren Klassenräumen entführten.

Er brachte sein Kind sicher nach Hause, aber fürchtet um die Zukunft.

„Wir sind alle traumatisiert. Sie sagten, sie seien gekommen, um uns zu befreien“, sagte er. „Aber jetzt ist es, als ob sie uns als Geiseln nehmen.“

Zusätzliche Berichterstattung von Wietske Burema der BBC.

Mehr über den Konflikt in der DR Kongo:

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