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Democratic governors are showing their readiness to defy the new Trump administration, promising to protect freedoms in their states and to engage in legal and political battles if the president-elect moves forward with controversial proposals. California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) has declared that the Golden State is prepared to fight and has called a special session of the state Legislature following Trump’s victory. Illinois Governor JB Pritzker (D) has vowed to stand up for his people, stating that any attack on them is an attack on him. In Massachusetts, Governor Maura Healey (D) has assured that her state’s law enforcement will not assist the Trump administration in carrying out mass deportation plans. These statements, coming from potential 2028 contenders, echo the resistance seen during Trump’s first term, with Democratic governors from large states repeatedly clashing with the White House. The messages also indicate a prolonged campaign as ambitious Democrats showcase their willingness to confront Trump both domestically and nationally. The possibility of another four years of Trump in power is expected to lead to increased resistance from Democrats, with governors playing a significant role in opposing his agenda. The recent election results showed Trump defeating Vice President Harris, gaining ground in swing states and solidifying support in blue and red areas. With Congress likely to be controlled by Republicans, the burden of resisting Trump’s policies is likely to fall on Democratic governors, according to political science professor Jesse Rhodes. The upcoming transfer of power has blue-state leaders preparing to push back against a potential second Trump term, with Democratic governors having been some of his most vocal opponents during his first four years in office. Democratic-led states and their attorneys general are poised to serve as a key opposition to the GOP as Trump pursues his ambitious plans for immigration, energy, and foreign policy. Governors, such as Phil Murphy (D) of New Jersey and Kathy Hochul (D) of New York, have vowed to fight against policies that go against their values and to protect the rights of their residents. The relationship between blue-state governors and the new president is expected to result in significant conflicts in the coming years, with California likely to be a central battleground due to its liberal stance and Governor Newsom’s national aspirations. Newsom has already taken steps to „Trump-proof“ California laws, leading to a heated exchange between him and Trump. The tensions between blue-state governors and the incoming administration are anticipated to lead to intense battles, particularly in California, as governors assert their independence and protect the interests of their states. Wes Moore (D) und andere – die als mögliche Kandidaten für 2028 spekuliert wurden.

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Strategen auf beiden Seiten des Ganges stimmten darin überein, dass der Widerstand gegen Trump den aufstrebenden Gouverneuren einen Vorsprung für den nächsten Zyklus verschaffen könnte.

Aber der republikanische Stratege Ford O’Connell argumentierte, dass die Gouverneure „versuchen, Trump als Folie zu benutzen“, damit sie „um die Macht kämpfen“ können, und behauptete, dass der Widerstand gegen Trump bei den Wählern im Jahr 2028, wenn Trump nicht mehr antreten kann, nicht viel bewirken wird.

Der demokratische Stratege Hank Sheinkopf schlug Alarm, dass der gewählte Präsident versuchen könnte, gegen die Staaten vorzugehen, deren Führer sich ihm widersetzen.

„Das ist ein gefährliches Spiel, das die Gouverneure spielen“, sagte er und fügte hinzu, dass die mögliche Trifecta der Republikaner „die Chancen auf Bestrafung erhöht“.

Aber es „erhöht auch die Bedeutung dessen, was die Gouverneure tun“, sagte Sheinkopf.

Meghan Meehan-Draper, Geschäftsführerin der Democratic Governors Association, sagte in einer Erklärung nach den Wahlen, dass die demokratischen Gouverneure „die letzte Verteidigungslinie für unsere Rechte und Werte“ sind.

„Während wir uns auf die potenzielle Wiederholung der Gesetzlosigkeit und des Extremismus einstellen, den Donald Trump wiederholt ins Weiße Haus bringen wollte, können die Amerikaner auf die demokratischen Gouverneure zählen, die sich weiterhin für grundlegende Freiheiten und unsere Demokratie einsetzen“, sagte sie.
