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Meine ‚incel‘-Angreifer führen online eine Liste ihrer Opfer.

Annie Makeeva embarked on a solo trip to Vietnam in December 2022, unaware that she would fall victim to a sexual assault by two violent „incels“ – men who blame women for their own inability to find a partner. The incident occurred on the first day of her holiday, as she cycled 10km into the remote Cat Tien National Park in the southern part of the country.

Initially mistaking the men for fellow tourists, Annie was later attacked by them in the jungle. Despite her shouts for help going unheard, she managed to break free and escape behind a tree. The men tried to restrain her, but she fought back and eventually took a photograph of them, causing one to offer her money in exchange for her silence.

After the men were detained by the police at her hotel, Annie struggled to come to terms with the assault. She discovered disturbing content on their social media accounts, including violent imagery and misogynistic language. This led her to advocate for awareness of male violence against women and to seek justice for herself and potential other victims.

The attack left Annie feeling hypervigilant and fearful, impacting her daily life and sense of security. Despite the challenges she faced, she remained determined to drive awareness of the issue and protect women in similar situations. Bisher gab es keine Antwort.

Annie ist sicher, dass es mehr Opfer gibt – etwas, das aus der Social-Media-Aktivität der Männer ersichtlich ist.

„Insgesamt gab es acht Angriffe gegen westliche Touristen, drei gegen lokale Frauen und einen gegen einen chinesischen Touristen“, sagt Annie.

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„Ich weiß, dass es noch andere Opfer da draußen gibt. Ich fühle mich auf gewisse Weise extrem glücklich, weil die Situation viel schlimmer hätte sein können.“

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