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Neu formulieren und ins Deutsche übersetzen: Gazanische Arbeiter finden beim Freelancing inmitten des Krieges eine Lebensader.

Communicating with Farida Adel in Gaza was a challenge, with more than 20 minutes and eight dropped WhatsApp calls before finally connecting. Internet service in Gaza is unreliable, even at the co-working space in Deir Al-Balah where Adel works remotely alongside 50 others.

Adel, an English teacher by training, divides her time between teaching in a tent for free and translating documents at the makeshift workspace. She spends six hours a day completing assignments received through Upwork, earning $200 a month after fees are deducted. Economic opportunities in Gaza are limited due to Israel’s blockade, forcing many like Adel to turn to online freelance work for income.

The infrastructure in Gaza has been decimated by airstrikes, making a stable internet connection and electricity hard to come by. Workers like Adel face risks when traveling to co-working spaces or internet hot spots on the street due to the constant fear of airstrikes.

Despite the challenges, freelancers like Waleed Iky continue to work through platforms like Upwork, often keeping their location in Gaza hidden from clients. Iky, who started a marketing operation, returned to work after evacuating from cities targeted by airstrikes. The freelancers at Hope Hub have to take turns charging their laptops to conserve electricity, with Iky finding solace in working despite the risks.

Clients may not always understand the struggles faced by freelancers in Gaza, with some offering little flexibility on deadlines. The freelancers persevere, finding ways to work even in the most challenging circumstances. Bank branches and ATMs have been destroyed, PayPal has ceased services to Palestinians in occupied territories, and currency exchange shops charge fees ranging from 15 to 30% based on demand. Iky, one of the lucky few with a bank account, often waits to withdraw money to avoid high fees.

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Unstable internet and airstrikes

Iky is among over 1,300 freelancers and students using Hope Hub’s flexible workspaces across Gaza, Egypt, and now Lebanon. Hope Hub, founded in January 2024 by Salah Ahmad and Fady Issawi, offers free co-working spaces divided into timed shifts for remote workers, freelancers, and students.

Ahmad had been working with freelancers since 2020, offering mentorship and training until the war forced him to leave his workspace, which was destroyed by airstrikes. Displaced multiple times, he eventually started Hope Hub in a refugee camp, aiming to help people restart their businesses amid the chaos.

Despite challenges like limited resources and unstable internet, Ahmad and Issawi expanded Hope Hub to multiple locations, providing essential services to those in need. The struggle for survival continues, but they remain resilient in the face of adversity.

„My right as a student is to complete my studies“

Othman Shbier, a computer science student, faces challenges in finishing his degree due to disruptions caused by the conflict. Walking two hours daily to access online classes at Hope Hub, he emphasizes the importance of continuing education despite the obstacles.

Many students in Gaza lack access to co-working spaces, resorting to internet cafes or makeshift hotspots on the street. With uncertainties about graduation, job prospects, and personal safety, students like Shbier persevere in pursuit of their goals, determined to overcome the adversities they face. Ich hatte früher einen Traum von meiner Zukunft gehabt. Für die zukünftige Generation angehender Informatiker, Ärzte und Freelancer haben sich Hoffnungen durch Sorgen ersetzt, wo sie ihre nächste Mahlzeit herbekommen werden, sagte Adel. Für viele der 50 Schüler, die sich in das Bildungszelt drängen, das sie aufgestellt hat, ist das Erlernen von Englisch eine Überlebensfrage. Sie wollen in der Lage sein, Menschen im Ausland anzusprechen, um Nahrung zu schicken oder Geld zu spenden, sagte sie. Trotz allem gebe ich nicht auf. „Trotz allem, wallah, finde ich weiterhin Wege, um Hoffnung und Widerstandsfähigkeit nicht nur für mich selbst, sondern auch für die Gemeinschaft um mich herum zu inspirieren“, sagte Adel. „Wir werden der Welt zeigen, was Widerstandsfähigkeit bedeutet.“

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