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Donald Trump has once again targeted the „corrupt media,“ following his legal victory over ABC and George Stephanopoulos. He recently filed lawsuits against the Des Moines Register and Ann Selzer over a poll that projected him losing by 4 points, which he won by 13 points, calling it „brazen election interference.“ He is also pursuing legal action against CBS for editing a response from Kamala Harris on „60 Minutes.“ While legal experts believe ABC could have won its suit involving Stephanopoulos‘ statements about Trump, the president-elect seems to have shifted back to attack mode shortly after claiming to have tamed the press and received better coverage.

Despite this, Trump has shown a more moderate stance in recent interactions, speaking more slowly and softly, and moderating his positions on various issues. He has also displayed a seriousness of purpose and the ability to deflect questions he shouldn’t answer. During a press conference, he made news on a wide range of topics, from the Duke rape accuser to Biden’s team and polio vaccine. Despite his attacks on the media, Trump showed restraint and nuance, enjoying himself during the event.

While Trump’s recent legal battles and attacks on the media may suggest a return to his old ways, some see a kinder, gentler side of the president-elect. Only time will tell how his presidency will unfold.

Howard Kurtz is the host of FOX News Channel’s MediaBuzz (Sundays 11 a.m.-12 p.m).

Er wohnt in Washington, D.C., er hat sich dem Netzwerk im Juli 2013 angeschlossen und erscheint regelmäßig in Special Report mit Bret Baier und anderen Programmen.

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