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Title: Shell ignoriert ‚Betrugs‘-Warnungen bei der Ölreinigung, Whistleblower berichtet der BBC.

A recent investigation by the BBC has revealed allegations that Shell, an energy giant, has disregarded repeated warnings about issues and corruption in a controversial clean-up operation of oil-polluted areas in southern Nigeria. Despite claims from Shell and the Nigerian government that the clean-up project in Ogoniland is progressing well, evidence uncovered by the BBC suggests otherwise. Critics describe the project as a „con“ and a „scam“ that has failed to address the devastating impact of oil pollution on the region’s residents.

Shell maintains that the challenging operating environment in the Niger Delta, including illegal activities like oil theft, complicates clean-up efforts. The company asserts that it takes responsibility for cleaning up and remediating spills from its facilities, compensating affected individuals and communities regardless of the cause of the spill.

Meanwhile, a civil trial is set to begin at the High Court in London, where two Ogoniland communities are demanding accountability from Shell for oil pollution dating back to 1989. The spills have left residents without clean water, unable to farm or fish, and facing serious health risks.

The BBC’s visit to the Niger Delta highlights the devastating impact of oil spills on local communities, with millions of barrels of crude oil spilled since 1958. Residents like Paulina Agbekpekpe and Grace Audi have shared their stories of loss and struggle due to contaminated water sources and environmental damage caused by oil spills.

The UN’s Environment Programme has also documented the severe consequences of pollution in Ogoniland, with high levels of carcinogens detected in water sources and air samples. The report called for a comprehensive clean-up that could take decades to complete.

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Despite efforts like the Hydrocarbon Pollution Remediation Project (Hyprep), funded by oil companies including Shell, internal documents suggest ongoing concerns about fraudulent practices within the clean-up agency. Critics fear that the clean-up efforts may not be addressing the root causes of pollution in the region. The informant stated that most of the actions are intended to deceive the Ogoni people. It is a scam designed to funnel more money into the system and ultimately enrich politicians and other powerful individuals. „Es ist echt schlecht“, sagte der 42-jährige die BBC.

Karte: Nigeria

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[Getty Images/BBC]

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