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Wie sich Trumps Versprechen „Bohren, Baby, Bohren“ auf andere Länder auswirkt.

Navin Singh Khadka is the Environment Correspondent for BBC World Service. Trump has announced that the US will sell its oil and gas worldwide. The UN climate summit in the United Arab Emirates in 2023 called for a transition away from fossil fuels, marking a significant moment in global climate action. However, concerns have been raised about a potential slowdown in clean energy transition and a rise in fossil fuel usage. President Trump’s focus on fossil fuels has influenced some countries and energy companies. Developing countries like Indonesia argue that they should not have to cut emissions while top emitters like the US continue to produce and burn fossil fuels. Argentina and other countries have followed Trump’s lead in withdrawing from the Paris Agreement, leading to an increase in oil and gas production. Despite a slowdown in clean energy investment, Trump’s plan to export American energy globally has attracted interest from countries like India, South Korea, and Japan. Scientists emphasize the need to rapidly reduce carbon emissions and stop new fossil fuel extraction to limit global warming. Navin Singh Khadka Im Gegensatz dazu haben importabhängige Wirtschaften wie China, Indien und diejenigen in Südostasien einen dramatischen wirtschaftlichen Anreiz, Energiequellen zu dekarbonisieren.“

Die globale Energiestransitionsinvestition überstieg letztes Jahr erstmals 2 Billionen Dollar, aber Studien haben auch gezeigt, dass das Wachstum des sauberen Energiewandels in den letzten Jahren markant verlangsamt hat, während viele große Banken weiterhin fossile Brennstoffe finanzieren.

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