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The Vice-President of the Philippines, Sara Duterte, sparked controversy with her seemingly threatening comments towards the president

When a vice-president openly talks about hiring assassins to kill the president and expresses violent dreams, it raises concerns about the stability of the country.

However, in the Philippines, where politics and drama are intertwined, such statements are not entirely surprising.

Vice-President Sara Duterte recently made alarming statements on her Facebook page, suggesting plans to harm President Marcos and other political figures. She also spoke about her strained relationship with the president and made threats against him.

This ongoing drama is the result of a once strong political alliance that has now completely fallen apart.

A strategic partnership

The decision for the Duterte and Marcos families to join forces in the 2022 election was a strategic move. Both candidates had strong support bases and were seen as popular choices for the presidency and vice-presidency.

However, the alliance began to crumble as power struggles and differences in political ideologies emerged.

Despite their landslide victory, the Duterte-Marcos partnership quickly soured as they failed to see eye to eye on key issues and appointments.

The escalating tensions between the two camps have led to public outbursts and threats, creating further rifts in the already fragile political landscape of the Philippines.

The fallout

As the situation escalates, Sara Duterte’s controversial statements have put her in a precarious position. Her confrontational approach towards President Marcos has raised concerns and prompted investigations into her conduct.

The future of the Duterte-Marcos alliance remains uncertain, with both sides facing challenges and uncertainties as they navigate the complex world of Filipino politics.

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The upcoming elections will be a crucial test for both camps, as they seek to assert their dominance and influence in the ever-changing political landscape of the Philippines.

Getty Bilder Das könnte ihr einen besseren Startpunkt für die Präsidentschaftswahl 2028 geben als weiterhin an die Marcos-Regierung gefesselt zu sein.

Aber nach ihren aufwiegelnden Kommentaren der letzten Wochen müssen sich die Filipinos fragen: Was wird sie als Nächstes sagen?